MDI how can someone be excited about it

I decided to give it a try and tuned it in. How can someone be excited about it?

Even casters look extremely bored lol

The only way of getting ahead of your opponents was “cleaver use of game mechanics” - in other words exploiting existing bugs allowing to skip existing packs xD


Well it’s a race.
There’s a start and a finish and obstacles along the way.
Whoever gets to the finish fastest wins.
That’s a very classical format for competition.
Easy for some to appreciate it within WoW if they are also a WoW player.


There is an English idiom I learned today. “It’s as exciting as watching paint dry” - that’s how I feel watching it.

Right. But it shouldn’t be difficult to deduct why someone else might find it exciting, even if you do not.


M+ are fun to do but not to much fun to watch especialy when everyone is runing exacly same setup

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People enjoy watching different things, majority of the community finds AWC boring as :poop:

This right here is such an obnoxious statement, whereas SL dungeons dont have as many pathing options, you can get ahead through knowing the pulls, timing the Pride buff properly, actual clever use of dungeon mechanics.

But more importantly, why do you make a MDI post on the arena forums, literally no point of it being here.

I made it here to ask PvP community about it not PvE players that would make exactly the same posts like you did because of butthurt that someone doesn’t enjoy beloved MDI. This question wasn’t directed to PvE community so it’s in PvP forums. I know that this concept might be too hard to understand.

Stating a fact is being butthurt when someone makes a pve post on pvp forums, got’cha.

Go back to being ‘coached’ my dude.

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pvp forums are filled with pve bots crying constantly about something, don’t expect and quality here

anyways, i know two guys who are hyped about MDI, they talk in gchat about it… both play zugkins and only pve

Except I’m not your dude and I never bought coaching and yes you have butthurt because someone doesn’t like your beloved MDI. Your posts are the best definition of butthurt actually. I’ll make screenshots so I can show them to my friends if they ask what butthurt is.

I don’t believe I stated anywhere I was a fan of the MDI, but I guess reading is an issue for you!

Then why do you even reply to me if you have nothing interesting to say.

Like this didn’t bring anything new. Someone is watching MDI so I could deduct it myself. Also I’ll give you a tip. If you are not interested in certain discussion - don’t take part in it. I know it might be a difficult concept but trust me - it works.

You’re asking a question in an open forum, smarty.
I replied with something that should’ve been more than obvious to the average person, especially since you claim you can deduct it yourself, in which case, there was no need for your original post.

But good grief my dude, no wonder you’re struggling, you be dense as a mofo!

I repeat - I’m not your dude, don’t offend me by claiming I can have any relation with you.

It’s not grief. I just don’t like to talk to less intelligent people.

Also if you didn’t know I’ll show you how proper answer look like:

An amusing statement, considering you don’t know the difference between boosting and coaching.

Not all that wise, are you?

Compared to you I’m like Albert Einstein or Nicola Tesla.

If that was the case, you’d know how to read your abilities and not be insanely hardstuck at your rating.

So being good at video game is indicator of someone being smart. Tell this to Stephen Hawking - he was rank 1 arena player for sure.

Both yes and no, you’d imagine someone smart wouldn’t be playing nearly 800 games at 1700 in 2s, while barely scraping a 50% win loss, that’s a sign of not being smart enough to learn and improve from game to game.

An example; You’ve played arenas since 2013, and you -clearly- play the game a lot, since you have that many arenas done just this season, but you’re not improving one bit, doesn’t exactly strike me as a smart person, it’s not that big of a learning curve afterall!

But I digress.

So what? What should I do about it in your opinion?