Meh, I'm Bored

Exactly, feature copying has been their thing since they started coding the game. They always took features from other games and in the early days made big improvements.

People complaining about the story, and the story of classic was like a hollywood movie plot! :slight_smile:

For WoW; I think it’s simply because there is a disconnect between the management and the developers.

Management listens purely to game psychologists and engineering the player-base to play as long as possible to milk the subscriber numbers.

Good developers aren’t interested in making stuff like this, which makes people leave, but then the people, the management replace them with, aren’t as talented or driven and therefore corners get cut.

There’s a real lack of love involved with World of Warcraft nowadays.

Blizzard likely has a lot of career managers and the simplistic solution would be to replace these with people who have a real passion for the game. Not entirely sure this is possible any more though, judging by my experience of previous job interviews with this type of company.

Edit: It seems that Blizzard has cut ties with the game psychologists too. It goes from a pure player manipulation expansion like Shadowlands where it was a mess of systems designed to keep players playing for as long as possible to this expansion where there is a complete lack of innovation, hoping that dragonriding and the new old talent system will be enough to satisfy the players.

But I don’t think cutting ties with the game psychologists is necessarily a positive thing, more of a desperate kneejerk reaction to Shadowlands being so bad. They’re just pinning the tail on the donkey while blindfolded at the moment rather than listening to people who make a career out of manipulating the player-base.

I do not think so. they just want to milk maximum. So it’s about max profit at any price. and they want it fast. so there is no strategy.
problem is that old blizz was bought by a hunter parasite and now the company has been eaten. the best top people left the company quickly.
now it’s about pure exploitation of the players. and when everyone leaves, a new project is bought and the eating starts all over again…

The 12 month sub was a dead give away of this. It offered no real discount in terms of savings. They wanted to lock people into the sub, granted some people are hooked on the game and will use the full 12 months but most wont.

Most people play an expansion for 2-3 months and it starts to taper off when the excitement wears off and they see it’s the same game with a reskin. Personally I was burned by BFA and Shadowlands so skipped dragonflight just waiting for my last 2 days of sub to end.

Never going to say I will never come back but I know I would end up bored pretty quickly and the recent exploitation has left a sour taste in my mouth.

Maybe play a descently develloped class.
That actually helps quite a bit.

Yes. When I saw that, I knew immediately that something was wrong here.
it was the same with sl too. 6 months sub on sale and then almost 8 months 0 content!
but here 12? does that mean 0 content until the next expansion?!?!?!

and bfa was pure frustration after a few months. I knew that rewards are only given once a week and then they are pointless because I can already do high-end content. only then will i be quickly invited into random groups because the item lvl is high and there are important achievements.

Today is also my last day and I will not be fooled. I will not pay big bucks to be a beta tester for trash content.

the next few days will be fun. for many will find that there is nothing to do here. and they even removed sl dungeons, bosses, portals and much much more.
also you still can’t farm bfa raids for cheap skins because lvl was raised AGAIN!

so pure frustration!

p.s.: in bfa you still can’t fly, although it was promised.

Game baseline difficulty is joke. Its utter joke. Existence of some higher mythic difficulty level doesnt mean anything becouse its exactly same content as anythíng in baseline. I shouldnt need to make myself increase difficulty just to have engaging content. That content should be engagin right on baseline level.

Then you completly missed my point. My point was that you should never sascrifice genre core desing pillars for sake of acessability and coviniecne beoucse it will ruin your game.

yes. reading the last 2 posts is definitely the best couple here in the forum.

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This is my biggest fault in DF so far. It feels like a Disney movie for children. I aknowledge that me as a middle-aged man should not be playing this video game anymore, but my mistakes aside the biggest player group of wow is around 30ish.

Its like this story was written by children or people who have never played WoW. Who remembers the story videos only 1 exp away? Jaina video and Saurfang videos in BFA were very adult themed.

35+ish now… as the years go by so do the players get older.

current wow is not a game which strikes me as being able to attract new younger players for long.

so the average player age will just go up with the games.

50 years time WoW will be introduced to retirement home programs across the western world.

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Middle aged people are allowed to enjoy Disney, unless you are dead on the inside already.


Ugh… oh… I thought something was off inside.

these are also new devs. I’m afraid there will soon be kindergarten songs as background music.
and instead of fighting you have to hug XX mobs. and change diapers regularly.


The dialogue, story, music, art is not as good at all. Also too campy, too colourful

Cool, i love it though. Definitely my fav expansion so far when it comes to dungeons, leveling experience and the world.

Very well said!

Im actually really enjoying it for the first time in ages, the leveling zones give me some old school vibes and dragon riding is quite fun. Mobs could be tougher and I do agree that the races so far are a bit bland/goody too shoes like but not a bad experience by a long way.

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