Meh, I'm Bored

No, you can’t, those expectations are only reserved for the people that have taken the time to give the game/this expansion a fair shot.

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I hate shadowlands with passion because it was terrible expansion :smiley:
but god damn i had fun for first 3 months
How can someone be bored in 1 day

Can’t disagree more.
But it’s your sub money; if you want to rush through it all and miss the best experiences; be my guest.

In reply to my own topic. I’ve given it a chance after so many people here told me it got better, dragonriding was fun and so on. And well… I don’t know how long it’ll last but it does get better and I do actually… like… playing?

Feels weird to say but I’m allowed to change my mind, no? As drakthyr I quite enjoy soar now, though it needs vigor. And the story is… damn it isn’t actually that bad? Sure it still feels… disney but once I sorta stopped thinking of the game as old WoW… I had a good time.

Here’s hoping it sticks, and that evoker/drakthyr gets some more love because they still feel half done. Weird. Didn’t think I’d change my mind.


Have you played this game before ?

You’ve got to be be kidding…

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Honestly this xpac is an absolute banger so far, professions are very fun, classes talent trees open up insane potential, and pvp, which is my main focus, won’t need of me to grind anything except the content I want to enjoy.
Although I agree with your story statement. It’s not too bad tbh, but it’s hard to get through the OMEGA amount of political correctness tied. All those black people, gay people, visage form of dragons to express their 2000 genders or whatever they call it. There’s nothing wrong with that except we’re in a european fantasy game so it’s very weird at first seeing all those things. But the story behind is not so bad, and honestly if it really makes some people happy that they implemented that then so be it, I’ll get used to it. My point is keep looking for the story it’s not half bad once you count in the fact that they’re gonna throw political correctness at you every cutscene.

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Since when? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
WoW alway been an “american game” with their values
If you ment the setting?
Not even a “true” fantasy, in the tolkienesque sense… even WW1 whole story was, alien invader orcs came from another planet via a stargate basically to conquer. Then went downhill so to speak from there
Warcraft, contrary to popular belief, never was a medieval fantasy (well duh’ considering it was planned to be a Warhammer game…) but more like a steampunk High fantasy with heavy Sci-Fi elements

Yes meant the background the story is developed in.

It is entirely wrong.

Have a good one.

You have my seal of approval

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Tonight is my lucky night.

As every other games steal ideas from another gaming company.

No it is not
Medieval, as per definition: relating to the Middle Ages.
Resembling or likened to the Middle Ages, especially in being cruel, uncivilized, or primitive.
Especially medieval europe in your example
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994): For ages, the fallen titan Sargeras plotted to scour all life from Azeroth. To this end, Sargeras possessed the human sorcerer Medivh and compelled him to contact Gul’dan, an orc warlock on the world of Draenor. There, Sargeras’ demonic servants among the Burning Legion worked to corrupt the once - peaceful orcs and forge them into a bloodthirsty army known as the Horde. This cursed force invaded Azeroth through the Dark Portal, a dimensional gateway created by Medivh and Gul’dan, and clashed with the human nation of Stormwind.

Now, I give you that, the original setting in 94’ was quite “medieval”, tho’ I would argue, when there is another planet and alien invasion, that is actually Sci-Fi territory, but the two could co-exist. It is a bit like Speljammer of D&D

But when 1995 Warcraft 2 and '96 the Beyond the Dark Portal came out, we had Dwarven Demolition Squad and Goblin Sapper units, Gnomish Flying Machine and Goblin Zeppelin, Oil Tanker and Oil Rigs, Gnomish Submarine and missle equiped Giant Turtle…
Things that are massively steampunk + the travelling to other planets, sci-fi element again, but the european medieval setting was out of the window

Warcraft 3 came in 2002, and expanded our repertoire with Laboratories, Goblin Shredders and Tinkers, Dwarven Riflemans and Mortar teams we were neck deep in the steampunk

World of Warcraft is full of Gnomish. Dwarven and Goblin inventions (and weapons) centered around steampounk, rayguns, rays of various kind (shringing, X-ray, etc) technology, Hi-tech even, with the sentinent robots (and not quite sentinent ones) they build from rusty metal, mech suits, teleportation chambers and securtiy systems

Nothing bad in it, mind you, just calling or comparing Warcraft to medieval fantasy (especially europen medieval) is damn hard, when they are capable of technoloical feats that are not even possible in the 21th century
As I said, Warcraft is more like a steampunk High fantasy with heavy Sci-Fi elements heavily built on originally the Warhammer theme

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ppl will get bored real fast now they can just use dragons to go from point a to b no mobs in between what is nice if you want to race towards lvl 70 and then spam dungeon’s but for ppl who want to explore and experience the lore it’s just too easy .

Bored after 2 days?
This expansion is going places :rofl:

nearly all games from steam for this price has MUCH more content as this trash.

Eh…can’t fly where? They released pathfinder part 2 years ago.

There’s nothing stopping people to play the game in their own pace. Those dragons work perfectly as land mounts as well. There’s a lot of side quests to go back to after you’ve finished the main ones.

If people get bored because they are not forced to play the game in a pace that blizzard finds accurate, it’s on them. Rushing to the end in day 1 and then complain there’s no content when they just run past it is not Blizzards fault.

I’m not saying the xpansion is flawless, far from it, but there’s plenty to do. And no, unlike some people, I don’t see dungeons, raids and pvp as the only core gameplay components.

That said, they could have slowed down the leveling quite a bit, getting to lvl 70 at the first day should not be feasible. But, if they did that we would have people complaining how much a slog the leveling is and when will be able to start with the end “true” game.


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yes boy. and promised that you can fly after df is live.
you understaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAnd?

I can still fly in BFA. If you meant that they would skip the pathfinder req, that could have been specified, girl.

So what if they haven’t, you who claim you get into high lvl content so easily. just do the pathfinder…it ain’t that hard. But then again, according to your own words…after today you’re out…can’t say I’m sorry to see you go

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Hey UggUgg I have an idea… its for when we are not hunting…"

OK MooMar what is it stops painting on walls a second

It’s called… RPG.


RPG. Role Playing Game.

OK… What UggUgg do…

Pretend to be something you are not in real

OK like this? puts on fur bra

No UggUgg you do that all the time and it isn’t funny anymore.

OK UggUgg only play. What you suggest?

MooMar pretend to be big warrior, you pretend to be new warrior and I show you skills.

Hmm UggUgg thinks this idea is silly and will not catch on. goes back to drawing antelope on cave wall