Merging the meta groups: good or bad?

There has been more and more calls to merge the meta groups primarily due to lack of games being matched and facing the same player over and over.

I think it would be great to reduce the wait times as not getting matches can be really frustrating if you had planned to play a few quick games.

I’m very sceptical as to how it will impact the teams that people will play. I believe that the meta will ramp up to the best teams that each player can use. Nearly always when I’ve beaten a player multiple times regardless of the team I’m using it ultimately Twilight Clutch Sister, Hermit Crab or Fel-Afflicted Skyfins will start appearing in their line up. This will happen alot faster when games are regular and they end up facing that toxic player who is desperate to farm new players. Although personally I’d love to play these toxic players and ruin their fun, it will get boring very fast for the average Joe and create a very stale meta.

Be good to hear other people thoughts…

I was hestitating to reply because I am too lazy to play and some observers would apparently take an offense.
I look forward to shorter queues to avoid stumbling into the same person over and over so I wouldn’t need to limit myself when someone might want to counter me.
Regarding your outlook on less or more faceroll teams, I think it depends on the ratio between those who simply are enjoying being “unstoppable” and those who turned angsty but could go back to something more reasonable if the game didn’t look so much of an ordeal – which the long queues contribute to, though perhaps not much.
And a little off-topic but wonder is why there is no decent ratio between the meta and anti-meta (secondary meta?) teams, except the latter having not enough synergies/power to stand on their own. Which goes back to the concern I mentioned before.

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