Mining nodes disapear while mining

like the titles says.
this makes me agry at blizzard. and i wanna swear here for them never fixing this .
how is this even possible ?
and it happends alot. made one round in silithus 4! times

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It’s not a a bug, even if it is irritating. I’m pretty sure nodes despawn if enough people mine it, or if they have not been mined for long enough, so the zone can spawn a new node somewhere else. Though I’m not sure how it exactly works, I think there’s also a lot of overlapping between phases and what nodes are visible to people who are not visible to you.

how do you know it is not a bug ? accepting this as normalcy is not in my book .
the game should not play us. this bug costs all of us time and effort .
if one million people have 1 minute of time lost how many subs is that ?

Because this is how the game has worked forever, and this is intended node behavior. It doesn’t care if you’re unlucky enough to be harvesting it at the moment of its disappearance.

so you think because it looks like it was always like this it is normal ?
you think it is normal that a vain you see and touch can suddenly disapear in thin air ? what if this would happen to stuff in your bank or enemies you wanted to kill ?
It does make no sense . like i said before you accept this as normal, i do not .

Yes, if it was always like this, it is normal. That is the definition of normal. Doesn’t really matter what you think is right or not. You can submit a bug report if you really want to, the forums won’t lead to anywhere either way.

thanks for your help blizzard

Gathering nodes, both mining and especially herbing, are horrible in WoW. In SL I’ll go skinning and alchemy because I’m 200% done with the terrible gathering system.

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