Mistweaver buff request

don’t. I really enjoy being the underdog and not seeing every third player being a monk

Druid enjoys monks being bad, that’s a relief, we’re saved, everyone go home lads

that’s my classic toon; I’m talking about my retail one which is a monk

Hello? Blizzard? Are you there?

Whatcha all thinking about the 9.0.5/PTR patch notes? too little, too late?


ReM Cost changed from 2.2% of base mana to 2.1% of base mana
Vivify Cost changed from 4.1% of base mana to 3.8% of base mana

I feel like it’s not doing enough… sure it helps, but not enough to make us even with other heals.


Roughly 7% reduction to Vivify, just under 5% on ReM.

I mean… it’s a step in the right direction, but I don’t think it’s going to compete with rshamans sitting there at 75% while the MW is dry. Giving us one extra cast per 13 isn’t really going to change our inability to turret heal when the affixes are bad for fistweaving :confused:


Honestly this patch, we need a good noticeable buff because its not just to be on par with rest healers, but we need to get rid of the stigma that mistweaver is terrible and none wants to invite one. In order to achieve that u have to make mistweaver the top healer.

If not we better play our shamans^

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ugh :disappointed_relieved:

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Just tuning numbers wont do Nothing…

We need utility back, some pvp Talents baseline
Or maybe soothingmist useable while Moving


It’s not just +6%, its +20 stat enchant PLUS 6% more mana

30stats is better than 20stats 6%mana. Obviously thats for minmaxing when u hit 95-99%+ and if someone wants 20/6% just go for it, wont make that insane difference. Same as 16vs12 ring enchants, gems etc

Changes nothing those 1% , dont even consider that trowing dogs a bone, to me stoped been fun playing MW monk , been doing so since MOP , last days i just loggin and stare at the screen thinking in what healer im gonna reroll , tyvm blizz devs on the lack of respect towards us players that invested so much time and love into our chars , by making them unfun and paying zero attention to it…

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Obviously not holy priest.

Personally, I’ll probably go shaman if monks haven’t been improved by 9.1. I’m tempted by paladin but I really don’t want to play any of the race options.

I expect very little change out of 9.0.5 - although it is helpful that wowhead writers and youtubers are starting to point out that the proposed 0.3% vivify cost reduction will do basically nothing. The more high profile articles are written about it and the more of a meme we become, the more Blizzard will be pressured into acting.

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Well you dont have to be a youtuber or wowhead writer to realise that the proposed “buff” is done basically by someone that has a fundamental ignorance of the specc. Or can’t even run the numbers.
I rolled a shaman too, till this meme comes to an end and we are solid specc again.

again, just BECAUSE MW WORKS, does not mean we are in a good spot when every single other see us as a meme specc.

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We absolutely are a meme right now; but actually, if you step back from that, if you’re not trying to live the pug life… you don’t have to reroll. I can heal heroic raids with my guild, and not be lowest on the meters. I can heal a +13 or +14 with my guild and we finish it. I even step into a few RBGs with my guild and sometimes we win. Arenas… feel like a terrible idea, that’s definitely MW’s weakest spot right now.

Point is that if you have friends and a guild, you can still play MW. It’s not in its happy place in the rankings, but it can still be played if you enjoy its style.

But I totally understand those who choose to change because they feel like the bottleneck in their group or they lack a regular group and as such aren’t getting to play the game rn.

Blizzard really need to speed up class balancing patches. The world moves quicker than they do, and classes can become irrelevant in less time than it takes them to acknowledge a problem. Not a healthy thing for the game.

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Blizzard rly makes me mad, how can the not Buff MW Monk by a lot

PVE and Pvp
F***** DONKEY company

They dont care about mw. Been asking for our old buff back will of the emperor or what it was called and a huuge buff to our mana regen the healing is very low awell but i guess the dudes that tune classes never ever played mw and have zero clue about the struggle

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Couldn’t agree more, I wholeheartedly miss how they played in MoP. Monk main since then. :smiley:

buff all heal ablityes heals with 50% and reduse all abityes mana cost with 50% …
Paladin 2.0

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