Mistweaver Covenants Aren't That Great

Is it just me or are they all awfully low tier compared to the other healers in terms of Covenant choice?

We have Night Fae which costs 2k mana, definitely not nice to our lack of mana considering it can proc to be used again. Doesn’t really do much healing if I’m being honest.

We have Necrolord; personally never seen a monk with this Covenant. If I remember correctly, it was nerfed before it hit launch.

We have Kyrian; I guess this is mediocre or decent for Kyrian? I’m honestly not 100% sure, as mostly all it gives you is Mastery which just adds a bit more to our pure healing. Although I see a lot of people use it, such as Cdew.

We have Venthyr, uhh yet again, never seen a Mistweaver with this Covenant although personally from when I played with it, it was decent as well.

I kind of felt like I had to go with cosmetics alone because of how scuffed the options are. None of the Covenants will make you go “OH DARN!” if you face against the Mistweaver (same goes for Yu’lon, idk what that cooldown is supposed to be even).

Mindgames actually catches your attention, otherwise you’re mostly done for. My point is that a lot of the other healers has something that catches your attention one way or another. We Mistweavers, do not.

We lack the “BOOM BANG KABOOM”, currently we are “SKRR BOOP BAP”.

This could be an opiniated take, but I am going by what I have seen and used (I have used every Covenant ability).


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