Monday's Honor?

Just reloged and when get back i saw i had around 50k less honor for the day… was standing around 75k, now im at 25k… played 8 hours today for 1/3 from all…

Well it’s pretty easy math if they still got last weeks data so i dont think it would be problem, they just have to increase your decay by 20% of the amount of extra rankpoints you should have had, so they could just give you 80 % of the rank points you lack and all would be great.

They should just give us 100% of the missing RP, since some players that got extra RP due to higher standings aren’t going to get a reduction. Only fair in my opinion.


Any news ?

why so long to sort?!!

any update ? i also logged in the game and got no rank update from last week.
And didn´t we got the promise that our missing rp from last week will be added later ? nothing happened yet.

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BLIZZARD! FIX! THIS! SH*T! you made the mistake, not on us to keep begging for you to make things right. Does a bluepost mean nothing?


My rank is updated i still lack mondays rank points so i will need to play pvp one more week in the holidays :frowning:

11h30, no rank update.

For real ? We pay for that ?

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at least you got your rank update :confused:

plenty of people in my bgs have no rank update yet, including myself… Imagine not being able to buy pvp gear you should have been able to buy hours ago and being at a disadvantage smh.


This post is about unnacounted honor from 2 weeks ago. Rank updates are slow but they happen atleast, try logout for 15m and it should update. Keep focus on the missing honor.

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Blizzard its time to atleast respond to this problem, let us know if you’re working on it. This is not okay

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1 days gametime added to accounts? :stuck_out_tongue:

They give a fck!


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i guess there will be a premium Sub soon. u pay the double amount and u will get the rank update in real time. LOL

Imagine not being able to buy pvp gear you should have been able to buy 2 weeks ago because your honor of many hours you had played was not counted :thinking:

Got update and new rank.
Today honor lost. It shows 37 kills, had 5-10k honor today and now show 37 kills and 0 honor.
Very nice again… :slight_smile:

RIP Monday’s honor. Its not relevant anymore, since week have passed and we already got rank points calculated for previous week. Nice Jebait on a bluepost, got me happy for legit 3 hours before I came home and noticed that nothing changed. Feel bad for people who was not able to get their deserved rank cause of this garbage and decayed next week cause of massive amount of raidloggers grinding AV rep. F in chat.

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