Monday's Honor?

Still nothing here.

we wont be forgotten

Honestly pretty strange that there’s no update.

Got my standing updated, but not my rank. #stillnothing

When did your standing update? Today or?

How do you know it updated though? Asking as this was two weeks ago now, there is no way to know your standing updated.

This week honor is not updated for me. Only my standing changed. After the server restart. Rank was before server restarts rank 5 - 19%. And still is rank 5 - 19%

2 week anniversary party inc! who’s hyped?

Singu, that is quite possible though. :slight_smile: You need to keep track of everything in order to know if you’ll progress with ranking.

For example you can be first week standing 200 and progress with ranking but, but next week standing 150 and actually drop down couple of percentages of your current rank. Ranking up is really though once you go higher ranks due RP decay (20%). :frowning:

And, still no updates on me!

Its cool to see how we are in 2nd week, and lost honor has still not been addressed. Happy Holidays y’all. Kinda doubt there will ever be a fix. Its one of those things that they will let “slip by”.

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still missing :slight_smile:

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Had the same issue today
On Sunday morning it didn’t update my honor points but they were still counted in the week total honor
This morning before going work I have checked and it updated the honor I’ce missed from Saturday’s farm but all the 90k honor I have farmed yesterday are completely missing and not calculated in week total honor.

I don’t need them next week or in a month when they will fix the bug
I need them now for ranking purpose

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Im not since I need to go zombie mode now to get rank 10 in to weeks so I can stop this madness and I can have fun again instead of this agony… and all because of mine 15-20% that I’m missing


never forget the 6 million… honor points. :ok_hand:

Its a shame Blizzard Entertainment is such an indie games company. Imagine how great wow classic would be if they had the manpower, money and knowledge needed to deliver a quality product. Not just an experience that is less than that provided by private servers.

Still nothing !!!

Imagine bluepost confirming an issue, and then going dead silent for 2 weeks. Top notch managing and PR all at once.

Even if the fix aint easy , takes time to calculate and do thigns right , they should respond more often with whats going on on the matter. Unfortunately , Blizzard is arrogant and one day this will be their END . Some day someone will fok them up with some game and they will never recover.

A Game Master resolved your ticket, and left the following response:

Greetings -

my name is GameMaster Arodaimos and I would like to thank you for your patience. Since the incredible start of WoW Classic, a lot of loyal fans returned to the game which can cause longer wait times and we try to get them down to a more normal level.

You are, sadly, correct. We did hope to have fixed the Honor System Bug by now but sadly the fix did not take like we wanted.

Important part is that the Honor is being counted but simply not shown ingame. So once the Bug is fixxed you should see your True Honor Value and Rank.

I really hope that I could help you with your request and wish you a merry Christmas!

Kind Regards,

Game Master Arodaimos
Blizzard Europe

24-12-2019 replay ingame contact.

Happy christmas!


That’s… Kinda hopefull! And this on Christmas morning :smiley: