Monday's Honor?

And lost honor again yday… This is beyond stupid

I guess the vacations was accepted prior to the holiday season and now they just don’t have the manpower to sort this out. However, that doesn’t justify the delayed update response. #stillwaiting

Still no update Blizzard? Hello?

Fun to see no rank update after 1 day of reset :smiley: .

Helo, anyone there? You CONFIRMED this issue, no updates so far, its been a month. Horrible managing of a situation of YOUR BAD DOING!

I go back to retail no bugs on pvp there.
Oh wait . we experienced a bug that caused Season 3 to unexpectedly end for Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds.

What is happening problems everywhere.

Responsible adults everywhere…

Hey Blizzard.
Any update on this issue? It’s been 24 days since your reply about the issue and I’m still missing RP from the day I gained the most honor that week.


Still have issues every week.
Im keeping an eye on todays honor while farming, and yesterday I got the “todays honor” reset to 0 twice.
Before, this has been corrected the next day when the honor for “yesterday” is updated, but not today.
Me, aswell as others, are worried that the missing honor will end up in inaccuarte honor calculations. There is really now way of us to be sure from this end.

Please, an update on the issue or atleast an accknowledgement that you are working to solve it would be nice.

And still no response Blizzard?

And yet still nothing?

sad bump. confirmed issue btw

first I lost my honor on monday during open pvp, with that, one rank.
last week I ended with 98% rank 6.
this week I did nearly 400k honor, and I am still rank 6 - 98%. its just disgusting.

it’s been over a month, can we get some kind of update on when are you going to handle this issue?

Amazing that some donation/cashshop run private servers managed to provide a better PR, anti-bot and general customer-friendly service than the actual company that made this game.


And still no update from Blizzard?

It’s all broken.

First BG I played yesterday got me 2986 honor and 1447 HKs

Day before they ‘mislaid’ all my honor I’d earned, according to their scoreboards, somewhere in the region of 85k.

Sad when you have to keep track of what you are supposed to get, as per the scoreboard, and what you actually get.

Please fix Blizz!

Fix please!