My arena partner got Gladiator rewards but I didn't. Saw yesterday that someone else got their rewards after posting here, so I will try aswell

Hi everyone,

After season 1 ended on the 7th of September at 22:00 EU ST I left my team by deleting my character a couple of hours after the season ended and teams were set back to 0 rating. I did this out of disappointment of not reaching the cutoff for the Gladiator title and mount. However, after the EU ban wave the 2vs2 arena cutoff dropped from 2660 to 2458.

This meant we were now eligible to for the rewards. I contacted a (Specialist) GM before rewards were given out to make sure I was still eligible. It got confirmed I was. The day came where rewards were given out on the 22nd of September at 09:00 EU ST, my partner got his rewards and I did not.

I got recommanded by a new GM to post on the NA forums about OCE rewards. Something that I cannot do because I have an EU account. While I don’t think the GM had any ill intent I do understand that I need to make a post on the WoW forums, just not the NA one. So here I am, hoping to resolve the missing issue of missing rewards.

Kind regards,



Commenting for visibility, gl mate

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Cmon Blizzard… I know you guys have issues lately but please try to save face by giving some more time on the seasonal rewards!

Best of luck Yva! <3

Hope they fix it for you.

This needs to be looked at. There was never a doubt that Yva should get gladiator based on the readjustment. It would take any competent GM about 5 minutes to figure this out.

Give this man his mount and title

Yva is cute, give him a mount, thx

I was actually curious becase last week of s1 you were not part of the team “resist resist resist” and it said you left the team before the season was over, maybe its bug or something idk, hope you get your mount & title ppc

Seems a bit like an oversight, really hope you can get it sorted!

Give this man his drake and title!
Thanks dear GMs

If your character was deleted when the background systems did their working out you won’t get anything.

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blizzard for once do something right

upvote hope it gets fixed

Hope u get it resolved bro!

Help this man out blizzard, makes no sense why someone who quit his team out of frustration for not making the cutoff would lose the chance to get his title. Just because the ranks were influenced by other people who got banned he didn’t get the title, and now that they are banned he should get the title and mount for his hard work on reaching gladiator.

yeah ic dat

He didn’t just quit, read it, they deleted their character. They didn’t even say if they restored it.

Edit: I’m pretty sure their system ignores deleted characters when they calculate who gets what.

Did you pay any money for ranking boost?
If not - please move along Sir :slight_smile: