My DK's weapon mog may have got an upgrade!

Now I could be wrong, but as my DK plays frost dual wield in both the game and in roleplay (like my fan fictions) I use this weapon as my mog.

because it’s one of the very few one handers that sheathe on my back and the two of them look pretty well smart. been using this mog ever since I was able to mog them so when I found out it was getting a model update I got pretty excited.

Hopefully it’s the ones I’m thinking of so they look nicer on my back.

Thoughts on it being a visual improvement or “meh…”?


Looks pretty good. Still akin to the old model design and nothing over the top.

It’s 100% a visual improvement to the point that I don’t even think it’s an opinion, if you think the original is visually better surely you’re just stuck in the past.

Personally I’ve never actually liked this sword, the spikes were too jagged, but the remake keeps the spikes but tones them down from comical spikes to evil spikes.
I’m a big fan of the rune weapons too. Even the original DK started ones.

I take it this is a new item that’s been data mined for 9.1?


You’re aware that it’s a drop in the new raid right ?

Will still work as a model upgrade but you’ll have to farm the right difficulty to get your hands on it =\

Do like the sword tho, got better runeswords ever since but definitely fits the fantasy.

Yep. It’s a new weapon and its appearance won’t override the good old Sword of a Thousand Truths.

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Well I be damned… guess I have to try and bring my DK alt online after all, this looks absolutely bonkers, and non of my current characters can use swords. Must get.

I like it.

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