My friend was afk

My friend was afk and this one guy was trying to kick him and I said no multiple times and then I said as a joke, ‘it’s my other account JK’
And he then went on to report me saying toxic stuff, but little does the guy know my friend is in South Africa and I’m uk. He kept saying g I’m gonna get banned, will I for making a joke about something that’s not true?

Nope, you won’t be. But being AFK in a dungeon is an awful thing to do, and to defend. Don’t do that.

He was dealing with his child so afk in this instance was fine :slight_smile:

No, it really isn’t. If you have to leave the game for an extended period of time, just leave the instance group. A few minutes is fine, especially if you says so in chat. But I assume we’re talking a bit more than a few minutes.

(I have twins, if I heave to deal with them, I log out, and not waste other people’s time.)


He was 2 minutes bud, I have a daughter of my own so I understand, but the guy was just spamming kick where everyone else said no and he continued to do so, that’s why I wrote jokingly it’s my other account lol jk he will be back in 2 mins and the guy then said I’m reporting you, but it was a joke on my behalf don’t understand how that’s reportable

why didnt you kick the person who was trying to kick then, thats what I would have done, specialy if it was a dungeon whit no timer

God, imagine if you’d just explained the situation to them and apologised for inconveniencing them instead of being some edgelord.


Did he, or you explain the situation to the group?

You can report anything. Doesn’t mean any action will be taken. I’ve been reported for telling people to “please not stand in fire” (that’s actually toxic and harassment, according to the person who reported me). No action was taken.

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