My Starry Review Of Dragonflight

Too early to rate an expansion
Early MoP wasn’t great for example however from 5.2 throne of thunder onwards it shaped up to be my favorite expansion.

WoD was the complete opposite
I enjoyed leveling then everything went downhill.

In Dragonflight, i’m having good time at the moment, perhaps because i took the decision to reroll from mage into rogue
A decision i didn’t make in WoD and for sure was the reason why i quit.

However if i’m to rate my experience so far without judging a whole book by its cover (a month into an expac)
Content in dragonflight outside of instances is quite boring
Dragon isles feel rushed and incomplete
However i’m having really good time playing rogue in instanced content pve/pvp so that’s a big plus.

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Yes and i never said anything else , only gripe i have had with you is how you speak to others and overly aggersive for no reasons when people are just stating there own subjective views. Jito has been posting for many years now and does his reviews as a liltte fun which some have now taken to serious and been rude to him.

Just because he has marked a couple low does not mean he is not enjoying it , its just his review take with pinch of salt.

Exactly before then it was a really awful chore.

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No it was the opposite. It was just dull and depressing. A little bit of childishness has brought life back into the game.

As far as I’m concerned, if you’re enjoying the story we’re living at the moment, the story of the past doesn’t really matter that much.

Ofcourse it matters. but if something needs to change to make the experience better now. is it not better to have a more enjoyable experience, or something true to the past.

A little bit?

Shadowlands was just Blizzard’s new batch of writers trying to prove their point, I mean, it was Steve Danuser’s “baby” after all.

Sorry, but while Shadowlands sucked, and did not feel organic that much, Dragonflight ups that to beyond.

The fact that on our journey we’re being accompanied by this literal who orc sergeant and her daughter while Orcs like Nazgrel are still stuck in Outland says enough about the current writers. Horrible, despicable, feels like they just ticked boxes in terms of character inclusion. Bah, I don’t think you will ever understand what I mean here.

This whole expansion feels like Blizzard abandoning the foundation and just doing their own thing and it feels wrong, very wrong.


No I’m not sure if it was Steve Denusers Baby, I think it was someone else’s attempt and he was just picking up the pieces.

Dragonflight is Denusers baby.

I mean, details like that just don’t matter to me anymore. As long as I’m enjoying myself it just doesn’t matters at the end of the day.

It’s a game, not real life.

The story of an expansion is often already decided during preproduction. Preproduction starts typically when the current expansion launches. During the beginning of BFA, Danuser was not in charge of the story. Changing the story mid production is an expensive thing to do, because it often involves redoing assets, text, quests, and changing cinematic direction.

Dragonflight is more his baby than Shadowlands, though keep in mind there is a larger team behind him too.

Well to me they do. I liked the detailed aspect of the factions, it gave a sort of realism to the whole game. This just takes me out of my immersion instantly, I can just picture who wrote this mess in my head and my appetite is gone.

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I’ll try to elaborate.

My comparison for cinematics and cutscenes would be Battle for Azeroth. That’s my :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


Well the cinematics and cutscenes Blizzard makes for Battle for Azeroth launch are the best ever. Not only do you have the Siege on Lordaeron, which is an exceptional launch cinematic in itself, but Blizzard also compliments it with the Warbringers animated shorts to compliment the pre-expansion event with The Burning of Teldrassil. That is way better than getting the Legacies animated shorts for Dragonflight that aren’t really complimented with a very strong pre-expansion event.

Oh, and then Blizzard drops the Old Soldier cinematic in the middle of the night. Like an extra treat.

So the peak of WoW cinematics is Battle for Azeroth. Never before has WoW received as many high-quality cinematics as during that period. Same goes for cutscenes. The campaign experience is littered with them.

The cinematics in Dragonflight don’t really stand out, and neither do the cutscenes. They’re good, like the cinematics and cutscenes in the other expansions are good. But that doesn’t make them the best ever – that’s Battle for Azeroth. If they’re like every other expansion’s cinematics and cutscenes, then they’re just average for WoW. That’s :star: :star: or :star: :star: :star: depending on your mood.

The art is kind of the same.
What’s :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:? Well to me that’s every time I’ve gone into a new expansion – through a portal or on a boat – and been blown away by what I saw and subsequently told myself that it was the best ever.
At that’s actually quite a lot of times.
The first time going through The Dark Portal and stepping into Outland and seeing all those high-fantasy space zones. That’s 5 :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: because it’s completely unlike anything you had seen on Azeroth. The art team presented something totally new and it was awesome in its own right. It was WoW, but it looked different, but still cool and like WoW.

Dragonflight doesn’t do that. The art team doesn’t try very hard to blow me away with the visuals. They mostly present vistas I have seen before. Something that reminds me of Nagrand. Something that reminds me of Grizzly Hills. Something that reminds me of The Titans.
They’re sort of going through their greatest hits, and I know that greatest hits albums are always popular, but there’s nothing new and mind-blowing in them. Blizzard aren’t taking the premise of an island that’s been hidden for 10.000 years and belonging to dragons as an opportunity to create a whole new artistic presentation of a fantasy world unlike any we’ve ever seen. Instead they play to their strengths by doing something that’s familiar but likable.
But that’s not :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:. It’s :star: :star: or :star: :star: :star: depending on mood.

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Well unfortunately the old writers are gone, and the new writers are the ones taking the game forward. They’ll have their visions on how the story should continue.

Now I appreciate Metzen has recently rejoined the WoW team, but how much control he has over the Story or even if he is putting any input into it at all isn’t really known. But most likely, the current team will be encouraged to follow their own visions.

Ah yes, the senior narrative designers, one who joined between Shadowlands and Dragonflight only to resign before launch.

And if you browse her social media you can clearly see which parts she wrote, with her political acrivism.

While you said that, there is no proof for this, only this statement was told a decade ago, you and I can only guess how they do it now, but I am thinking that they’re not planning that much ahead.

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We have only seen a very tiny fracture of dragonflight’s story. They’ve only established the setting of the world now… It’s like you read a book, and you complain, that nothing happens in the introductory chapter.

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Placing weight on social media hearsay is not a healthy thing to do. It can lead you down some unfortunate rabbit holes and is just generally a way to make yourself unhappy.

This is public information.

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Honestly if DF is a 2/5 to you then I don’t know why the hell you are still playing WoW, what kind of imaginary experience you are chasing - DF is about as good as WoW is ever going to get, it’s a good expansion. If this is 2/5 to you, you probably should have found a different hobby a long time ago.

That or this is a troll post.

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this is correct. they generally have a plan upto 10 years into the future.

Sure they probably haven’t got 14.0 full hashed out yet, but it will be in some form of progress.

11.0 will probably be taking nice shape at the moment, and 12.0 will probably be starting to get underway.

This person I was talking about has already claimed “positive feedback” as her doing, despite only being in the role for a year. She was a Diablo 4 editor before joining the team in the position of Senior Narrative Designer.

And while you are correct, I think it’s even better if people like that were not allowed to influence the game. I had been banned simply because I pointed out how Dragonflight seems to have a lot of Matriarchy. While she had a picture of her holding a cup with “tears of bitter and lower men”.

It’s exactly those things being so off putting for me. I can’t really enjoy it anymore. I’m glad she left, but it leaves me worried, is this the kind of people Blizzard actively looks out for? Is this their shared vision of today?

Where was this said?

Sure this was public information a decade ago, but given how they have to go back to retcon lore so much these days, I doubt they plan that much ahead.

If it’s public knowledge, then it should be easy to post here.

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I like cola.

I prefer Pepsi. That’s 5/5 to me.
I would rate Coca-Cola as a 2/5.
I still enjoy the taste of Coca-Cola though. It’s just less good than a Pepsi.

So even though there can be a big rating difference between two products, then both products can still be very likable.

The same holds true for WoW.
I can rate one expansion 2/5 and another 5/5 and a third 1/5 and like and enjoy all of them just the same, because I like WoW. Bust just because I like WoW as the massive fanboy that I am, doesn’t mean I can’t rate the different experiences based on their relative differences, even if the comparison operates on a scale of “best game ever” to “better than sex”.

Relative comparison, it’s a thing.

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They go over it in the Preach interviews.

You might need to watch his stream VOD when he first got back from. But he’s mentions alot that they were having meetings about the next 10 years of WoW. Then he goes over their development cycle, and how soon in advance they start developing next expansions. (I just remembered, in the 1st interview they talk about it in the “Modular” section).

I think maybe you need to rework your rating system. Because to most people 2/5 is bad. But you seem to think that 2/5 is still good.

It would cause alot less confusing and disruption.

You do know that these are just ideas quickly brainstormed right? Like yeah, even I know that we were going to the Dragon Isles at one point.

But I think you’re confused. The design, the quests, the dungeons, those weren’t there 10 years ago. They were all made during the Shadowlands.

The idea of expansions are set in stone but fleshing them out =/= preplanning like that.

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