[N-RP] Herbal Hangout: Another Fungus Among Us!

A leafy leaflet with moonglow ink is neatly placed on the local billboard:

We have procured samples from an enigmatic faerie ring within the Whispering Forest in Lordaeron and further cultivation of the mushrooms have thouroughly exceeded our expectations. Thus, all herbal heroes are hereby invited to our greenhouse for a funky, fungi feast. It will be an opulent opportunity for both bodacious and budding botanists to get ardently acquainted. Well met!

Quest Objectives: Obtain a sufficient quantity of Elixir of Tongues from Fizzi Liverzapper in the Underbelly of Dalaran (Broken Isles) and meet with the Botany Band in the Greenhouse at the Magus Commerce Exchange on the next Night of the Moon (27th of January 2020 at 20:00 server time).

The Botany Band is a roleplay guild with focus on adventurous study of plantlife. We welcome every friendly adventurer with a green thumb! :mushroom:


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