Nazjatar is literal trash

Both of these are solved by a simple thing. Flying!! Which is was designed around. Tannan was easier to navigate because it was designed for only ground mounts as they didn’t intend to add flying to it at the time. That’s why it was so boring to navigate in with flying.

Also come on mate. Falling to your death? You are a mage! You are embarrassing our class.

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i dont only have a mage you know? and not evryone plays mage either.

And past have had flying but wherent this much of a pain to navigate on foot

But everyone should have goblin gliders. If you don’t then the death is on you really.

But it’s really not that much of a pain. I’ve been getting around just fine. There are parts where it’s harder to get around but nothing the good old Darkmoon Cannon + Goblin Gliders can’t solve.

and i find this zone pure annoyance and huge pain to traverse.

And you shouldnt have to have what i presume is a toy and gliders just to trverse its somewhat conformabtly instead of the zone being designed to eb pain to go around in.


try make a third of the entire game pvp only and see how well it does

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Oh my you are right! Can you imagine that? Needing to use your equipment and other items to ease traveling in a zone? That would almost make this game a… gasp an rpg! Now we can’t have that!

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Im not loving it so far TBH. Obviously I’ll drag myself through coz I want flying. Thats alot of my issue, I just hate zones that are needlessly hilly and convoluted to get round…if you want to go left then you have to go right, if you want to go up then you first have to go down. I find it really irritating.
Also there seems to be alot of ‘kill x amount of boars’ type quests (only with naga instead of boars).

But I like new pets, mounts and mogs so worth it for that!


The zone is beautifully designed & the characters are cute.
Which could basically be said of every zone in BfA.
I’ve had some fun with a friend running around finding things but it’s very quickly just going to become yet another checklist of pointless grinds.

I took a break a few months back. I thought it’d be hard to stop playing for a while as even when the game is bad I feel the pull to play.
But honestly, it wasn’t hard in the slightest.
I’ve spent time gardening, watching anime & playing some great single-player games. Faaaaaaaar more enjoyable.
Came back for the new patch because of course I did. But eh shrugs can’t see myself sticking around for long again.

I’m looking forward to Classic however. It’s overrated beyond belief but is much more of a game than WoW is right now. Looking forward to unlocking pet skills & a bunch of abilities that have long since been removed.


cute? the gilbin i hated in first 10minutes of working with them.

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Taste I suppose. What you describe is basically my feelings towards working with Blood Elves.
What did you hate about them so much?

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Just stop… you cant even kill jainna on LFR… just stop… buy same table game for kids 3+… after year of skilling come back to wow

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i find their voices almsot as hatefull as the archage xylem from in legion’s (onyl challenge i did without sound as i just couldnt stand his voice).

And the quests havent really been interesting of them and teh zone itself is a pain and just i dint find anything likeable really about them at all.

Fair enough. My dislike for Blood Elves is equally as silly so I won’t judge.
Some things just grate on people.

Because not being good at the game is totally the main reason someone would dislike it.
Come on dude. If you’re going to act better than someone at least do it on a character you’ve done things of value on.


Happy ? This is my main… That alt was default for forum

  1. thing is being bad
  2. thing is being bad and flaming devs and cry on forum

The git gud response is just generic & not helpful to the discussion at all.
There are many many many design issues with BFA that being a better player is simply not going to solve. If anything it will just make some of them stand out more.


Portal usage is heavily policed and regulated, canonically. There’s specific dimensions that portals are allowed to be and the ability to create a portal to anywhere but a designated drop-off point requires a special license - creating one without this notoriously hard to acquire license is a death sentence. The Kirin Tor, the ones responsible for leyline maintenance, are very strict about how people use portals seeing as it’s solely their responsibility and misuse of them is highly dangerous. It’s so dangerous that the Kirin Tor nearly banned their use worldwide.

You cannot transport an entire army through a portal big enough for one person to use at a time, right into the teleportation chamber in the Great Seal. It’s undoable.

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Honestly 8.2 disappointed me so much i cant even care about flying anymore, after having done so much M+ in 8.1 i blindly run to every dungeon anyway, i just dont care anymore


Im glad I cant be arsed logging on now hahaha

true. but i can already see a lot of people simply cba with stupid rep farms due to idiotic terrain and way overtuned amount of mobs everywhere to artificialy slow you down and boost MAU.

for me Nazjatar just feels … unfun .