Nazjatar is literal trash

those quests you can pick up in the base camp are absolutely terrible.

they may take the cake as some of the worst quests in the whole game.


its not about that noone wants to do anything or put in the work. everyone, or at least 98% of the player base is willing to do something for unlocking flying, even rep grinding. its just that the way its implemented is absolutely awful.
where are the dungeon tabards? where are the rep mobs you can grind? or literally ANYTHING like that? where are the god damn alternatives?

currently we are chained to a handfull of daily limited (and awful designed) world quests which reward a measily 50-75ish rep each.

i can understand why people are sick and tired of this bs. the restriction is real and bothersome.
let people have options to choose from, let people put in the work and how much they want.

i love it how you literally cherry picked one sentence to moan about, took it out of context and completely disregarded the rest what op said. way to go.

and again: people DO want to work for it but the current system is neither rewarding or fun.


I do remember, when in WoD Reputation Rewards were basically tedious grind’s - hours upon hours of grind-farming trashmobs for single-digit Rep-points each. And people, especially in this forum - as per usual - were pissed. Every thread was a ‘dumpster fire’.

People do not want to work for their stuff, although they’ll pretend they would work for it. You can farm Nazjatar Rep by farming a rare drop with a .05% drop chance that gives 250 Rep per turn-in - but not doing that & instead pretending that people want to work for their stuff is so much easier.

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3 hours, spread over the day running around the “tour” to find 3 live rares for 55 rep? yup that NPC can shove that quest where the seaweed doesn’t grow. Will just take a bit longer than everyone else to get flying I suppose :slight_smile:


I really thought they couldn’t put more mobs into an area after Argus. God, was I wrong. If they weren’t at least so much stronger than other mobs. Might be a bit more challenging for many classes but as Mage it’s just a horror. Pulling more than 4 mobs? Better have Hero ready or I can kite them into 10 other mobs that stand too close

I can also buy a lottery ticket every day, but that doesn’t mean I’m working towards becoming a millionaire.


ye in nazjatar it sucks because you cannot cheat it like in mechagon - in mechagon its amazing fast at least untill blizzard fixes it :slight_smile: today got mine in under 3 minutes done :slight_smile:

too me nazjatar feels like a reskin of the broken shore


I agree some time ago I read a article on the net about the 4 year plan that Activision has and it’s all about monetization. You have to then ask yourself if that’s what they are doing how it is translated into the Blizzard side of things. All the major names in Blizzard have quit or moved on and it’s now in the hands of suits who’s sole objective is to make as much money as they can.

Long gone are the days where the people who made an impact did a fantastic job for the company. We have seen two major job title holders quit one went off to a better job in Netflix the other did the cost cutting and places another suit in with a massive pay check then it’s found out has been job hunting and goes to Square as they are terminated from the company i.e fired.

And so on and so forth. We should just accept that WoW and Blizzard are the next company to turn into a cash cow milking machine and what would really make them listen is if we actually stopped paying for all the micro transactions and actually locked wallets down and did so for a good 12-24 month period if they lose a huge chunk of revenue they will soon change tack or go under.

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a rare drop with a 0.05% chance and gives only 250 rep per turn in. say that again, but slowly, maybe the coin will drop for you.

yes there will always be people who are pissed and complaining but you are picking the expansion where this whole pathfinder debacle started so ofcourse people were pissed and whiny.

you literally picked only one point of my argument and ignored the rest but fine, i ll play your game. people complain about farming mobs for single digit rep numbers, so WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER OPTIONS TO FARM REP? dungeon tabard? reasonable daily quest rewards? reasonable rep token drops from rares? and im not talking about a lottery ticket chance of getting those rep drops. havent heard anyone complaining about those.

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naizjatar day 1 is gonna be same as day 100. Still anoying as hell zone thats huge pain to go around in and evrything gives way to little rep and severly timegated. (why do i spent up to 2hours for 150rep)

ah so acording to you doing the lottery evry day is same as working for a job then?
And i want to work for my stuff but i cant its timegated to hell and back.
Its 3 dailies for 50rep each that take like 2hours and then its wq’s that give 75 rep eeach and that is it.
I want to grind mobs so i can work on my rep not ok here is pitfull amount you get each day and if you miss a day you cant make up for it another day and you cant speed it at all.

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But you can grind mobs for rep. The Sandclaw Stoneshell Rares, Glimmershell Crabs and Chitterspine Crabs all have a chance to drop [Giant Crab Leg] which awards 250 rep. So long as you get one drop in every 250 mobs killed you’re getting 1 rep per mob which is what you’re asking for, correct?

its not the same at all.
And getting a drop that rares then the glorious legplates or tusks to dorp multiple to get any rep at all is stupid and not actully grinding on the mobs for rep. if was guaranteed evry 250maybe but no its not. And its not the same at alla s evry mob giving 1 rep need 10k rep ok thats 10k mobs i need to kill here i migt get 1 evry 1000 or evry 10 its completly rng.
Its not the same at at all.

Evry mob giving rep is guaranteed this is not so not the same get that?
And its not ervry mob its only specefic ones.

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You said:

which is provably false. You CAN bypass the timegating and grind your rep out by making/joining a farming group and grinding mobs. There are multiple items that award rep that are completely farmable - [Giant Crab Leg], [Fathom Ray Wing], [Eel Filet], [Reefwalker Bark], [Ancient Reefwalker Bark] and [Naga Deployment Orders].

and a less then 1% drop is not anywhere near the same as mobs giving rep all the time.
You be may fine with it but im not.


This is the gaming industry in a nutshell its not an activision problem its an industry problem. Long long long gone are the days where developers make engaging, fun games (bar a few rare beasts out there). Now its all about ‘how much money can we squeeze out of this with inital payment, sub, MTX’.

Then don’t have WM on you unconstructive complainer. How many times must i repeat this. If you have WM on. YOU ARE ASKING TO BE GANKED CONSTANTLY. Deal with it then or don’t. Engage those brains of yours!

Wowhead has some rough stats showing a drop percentage for Giant Crab Leg of around 0.004-0.005% off of regular mobs (, which incidentally works out to almost the same as 1 rep per mob killed:

Blizzard gave us a means to farm rep, and those that did the grind are now already flying a week into the patch so…

i get where you are coming from. but why make it dependant on a rng factor and not give flat out x amount per mob then? this feels utterly unrewarding and boring. you dont see any progress being made.

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That is not how that math works at 100% drop rate it be 250 rep per kill 100/250 that whould recquire a 0.4% drop rate for it to be 1 rep per kill (on average) it only a 1 rep per 100 kill with that 0.004% rate