Need help regarding S15 elite transmog

Good day and thanks for taking your time to read this.

Back in MoP i recieved 2100 RBG rating, and 20k+ conquest, but the Primal vendor in great wall does not have any elite gear for me. This can’t be intended? I doublechecked and it is the primal gladiator season.

Would super appreciate help.

Reaching out on the forum cause the GM’s are not helping anymore apparently.

I think you have to have purchased it at the time to access it as a transmog. The elite sets will have been removed when the season ended/new season started.

Pretty sure having met the requirements won’t mean you have access to it. Having the same issue with S13, S15 and S16 Gladiator Tabards. I have the Gladiator achieve but because I didn’t buy them at the time they have since been removed.

I’d suggest submitting a suggestion ticket like I have for my tabards but I doubt you’ll be able to obtain them now

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Thanks Althoria!

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