Need your help

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forthcoming gnome lock here. How viable is this spec? my aim is not damage by any means but to try and survive world PVP and frustrate my opponent along the way. I’m thinking Void then felhunter, ignoring the succ?
I figured why bother going down the destruction tree if im not critting if that makes sense.

I didn’t wanna post this in the classic forums as i dont wanna give those other classes an insight into our tactics :slight_smile:

How can we trust you? What if you’re not a forthcoming lock, and came here to sniff out our tactics?

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https ://

If I were you I’d go with either of these

The soul link + voidwalker MD combo made you a proper tank but you couldn’t really kill anything. Also Suppression isn’t that good in PVP and for curse you’ll probably go with Weakness/Tongues so improved CoA might not be very useful.

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