Nerf guardian druids

Guardian druids do more damage than half the dps in the game
as much healing as actual healers
and are more unkillable than any dps in the game

Can we get a guardian druid nerf already?

A good place to start would be by nerfing the Anima of Life and Death essence in pvp by 75%. It hitting 75k reliably is not okay

Other than that I genuinely think tanks need some kind of template that reduces their damage done by 30-50%, and healing received by the same amount.

Tanks in arena is just miserable and the complete opposite of what a game striving to be an eSport should include.


Guardian isnt overpowered

The f***ing tank essences are though, jesus, shield that absorbs 50K dmg then do that as damage when it expired + anima which does 50% of your max health in damage AND heals you for that

Its just stupid

Go play an arena game then come bk and tell me that


it is stupidly overpowered

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I do 1600-1800 on my main, not much but something in 2v2s, when we find guardian we just chaos bolt it away and its gone

except for when they use the magical barrier, then we’re f**ked

BTW not saying they shouldnt nerf guardian, im just saying the majority of the problem comes from the essences on tanks

if only that was the case, my friend

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I played guardian in 2v2s in majority of season 2 & resto, tell me what exactly is happening that makes guardian so ‘‘op’’

Only times i manage to win arenas now is if i run the magical shield major, but its boring playstyle, and my mates tell me that tanks arent viable in arenas at all

I also thought that was where the OP thing was, the magic shield + anima oblibirating people

i dont like warriors they make the game really boring, remove them. or nerf them by 50% all damage / tankiness. blizzard made tanks, they always been a part of arena, adapt play against it, its not a top tier comp, so stop crying


cringe, stupid and untrue


You must be drunk if you think Guardian isn’t flat out broken in arenas.


Seriously, what makes them so op? they didnt recieve any dmg buffs this season, they got dispell in bearform and thats about it outside of the essences

I thought i knew, but now im clueless lol

They take just about 0 damage. They have high damage output themselves. They supply their team with raidwall 24/7. They supply their team with high on demand HPS. They can’t be sheeped, hexed or repped. You cant root them cus damage from teammates is put onto them (They take damage all the time making them unrootable). And the list goes on.

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First of all, guardian has always been immortal in pvp

Its kinda their trait …

as a tank …

And they dont give any more damage then they have previously? outside of essences ofc, these issues you are talking about has always been there, but people didnt find guardian op until recently, how so?

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I’m not saying that essences doesn’t play a vital part in their damage output, but don’t underestimate the power of scaling gear, access to specific new trinkets, etc.

what is stupid about it and untrue, CRINGE. its facts kid

You’re fking cringe if you think it’s not broken. Joining an arena, praying to god that you’re gonna face a melee cleave and if you do, you win guaranteed. How is that not fking stupid?

Guardian into any melee cleave makes his entire team, himself included, unkillable. Sure destru/fmage/x will sh*t on a guardian, but any melee cleave, especially ones with arms warriors in them, will flat out lose before gates open.

It’s broken and it needs to be removed.


I rarely meet guardian, but again imin the 1600-1800 range, and i’ve never gone above 1800 so thats probs why

I just see rogue & holy paladin combos 24/7 with double maledict

You won’t see Guardians in 2’s, you see them in 3’s mainly. Also most guardians are, by this point, at 2.2-2.4 k since they can faceroll their way there without any issues.

Ah that explains it

I never do 3’s lol, its just so easy to get cc locked for 30 sec+ and it demotivates me to go there, Thanks for explaining that

No problem. 2’s is primarly just cancer comps like DH/X, Surv/X, Destru/X, Sin/X and the occasional arms, ele or feral.

X = Rdruid/Hpala. Rarely Disc, Holy priest or shammy.

obviously u do see the occasional holypriest playing with destru, but that’s really it. 2’s ladder is a joke.