Nerf to mage night fae covenant ability

covenant ability shouldn’t reduce cd to barriers nor alter time.

I mean they just nerfed Triune Ward, so might wait and see how that affects them first

Was needed along time ago

what is there to see? it’s the most tanky class in the game that cant die.

and the nerf was last season lol. nightfae mages specifically are most overpowered compared to the othe covenants. nightfae reduces sll abilities cd, but shouldnt reduce barrier and alter time cd.

Bold what u think about sp tankiness

The nerf is now mate

All shields combined now make up 105% the value of just 1 shield without Triune. It’s quite literally just there for purge protection and the effects now.

So it got neft 40%?

if it got nerfed that’s good.

that still doesn’t justify NF having an ability that reduces absorbs and ALTER’s cd. makes 0 sense.

Also we need nerfs on mage cc DB into Pooly is disgusting

Don’t forget the Pod as well, should not work in Arena in the first place.

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