Nerf unholy dks

Hello so the reason for this nerf’s that they can be as tough as blood dks and they have insanly op broken burst. They needs to get nerfed asap.

Then they need to seriously buff the sustained damage, bottom ranking spec in EP mythic prior to 5% buff.


No they should nerf you. Your damage’s so broken. Almost as broken as the monks’s ability to one shot everyone.

Right, so bottom dps for entire expansion outside pull burst, and highly constructed colossal aoe situations, that’s fine, but a minor buff to get off bottom and you cry for nerfs?


Edit, also bottom tier for most of legion too.


Did you even realise the fact that he’s talking about PvP? Also. Turiel, no, Unholy is pretty average atm. Does not need nerfs. L2P.


Your burst dps’s really broken but if you had alright surstain dps as the rest of us have i’d be alright with that. And no i don’t need to l2p you dks does as you cannot play as any other class your class’s an easy class to play.

Doesn’t matter the context, I had assumed pvp but trashing burst damage for that requires a sustain buff to offset it.

That was instantly shot down, I know our burst is strong, takes a bit longer to get rolling than other specs but it is there. And the dps nosedives after army goes back to sleep.

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No, our DPS is not broken. Not when the majority of our damage comes from our dot which spreads out to random players and pets. It’s just random, unnecessary damage which is added to the DPS meter, creating the illusion that it is more than what it really is.


I know that that’s what burst damage is. But surstain damage’s alright to be buffed. Whatever you call it. It’s in need of a nerf on your burst.

That’s what I said to begin with, honestly would be a better situation imo overall.

Or even pvp % modifiers to lessen it there.

How do you mean?

I think it’s a thing on some abilities, I could be wrong, basically take chaos bolt as example.

Spell does metriccrapton of damage, in a pvp setting it deals metriccrapton x 0.5 damage, I think it’s only really present on especially hard hitting spells.

Again I could be totally mistaken here, but it would be another solution.

Breath for example deals 60-65% less damage in PvP.

Well blizzard should make those changes at Patch 8.2.5 and give you better surstain dps and nerf your burst.

Yes, and then buff unnerf Pillar of Frost in PvP and buff Frost Strike even more for PvP! Deal!

That’s two buffs but then again frost dks don’t seem to be that challanging yet.

Paladins needs nerf too, like always. You shouldnt have high dmg when you have immune and instant max heal cheese.


No we don’t we can get it dispelled and blood elves’s racial’s so op you can dispell our immunities.

Everyones OP to someone else, it’s a pretty futile route to go down. Rock counters scissors, paper counts rock, rogues counter everything though.


And obviously only belfs playing on the horde side. An undead or orc can die while you are hitting him in bubble because thats cool. But as soon as a class can kill the little paladin everyone lose their mind.