New player - Mage pre-bis

Hey there

First of sorry for the noob question, I am a new classic player (level 48) and wanted to look at what my pre-bis should be and what I can start aiming for in my 50s, I have had a look at a couple of websites/reddit but some of them show different gear… also with it being so late into classic I imagine it can vary a bit - such as having access to Bloodvine pieces etc.

Hopefully someone can point in the right direction for a place to look - or possibly a link? any other advice would be appreciated too as a new classic player!


My advice is not to bother too much on the “pre bis”. Get whatever you can till 60 and after that spam ZG and AQ20 raids as from there you’ll get most items you need, some if not most are better than those in MC.

As for the Bloodvine set it might be the best option but as it’s kinda pricey and requires tailoring 300 for the set bonus I would pass.

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