New SPECS would be more interesting than new CLASSES

Would be fine if we could just get some new “spec skins” instead. Like the fire death knights people were speculating about. They could just give frost abilities fire particles and call it the fire death knight skin for frost death knights. Lighting particles to warrior abilities and you get thunder warriors. I mean they could get pretty creative here and it would give some added customization without actually messing with the game balance.

No it did not use exactly the same, later on it specialised on more obliterate based, where you pretty much was playing as arms warrior with their generic strike. Same thing, different spell names.

Since I have always favoured frost dk and arms form warriors - it really annoyed me at the end I was glad frost dk got some identity eventually.

Not a chance for a new spec. Legion leveling content is tied to class and spec with it’s artifact weapon system. You can’t get through the story without getting the weapon and your class order hall.

I don’t see Blizzard ever adding more artifact weapons for Legion content, so no new spec unless it’s like a heroic spec unlockable at 50 or 60.

Same thing with classes. No new class order hall, so no new classes. Once again, unless it’s a heroic class that starts at 50 or 60 but that can only be something more grand and flashy than necromancer or bard.

You don’t need an artefact weapon to start any of the Broken Shore quest lines. And the requirement to have a weapon unlocked to access legion dungeons could easily be removed.

Mage, Warlock, Rogue and Hunter are all classes that are still stuck with only DPS. Which also puts them in the unfortunate situation where you are almost always stuck with 15+ min queues for everything.

Removing specs and adding more depth to the remaining ones would be even better for the game.

Shaman tanks work fine in Classic mind you, don’t have any taunt so need to be careful, but other than that it’s all good.

Only issue with specs is that blizzard is incessant on breaking what works every expansion, using months just to fix a few specs at a time… If fixing them at all before the next breaking.

Literally don’t see any outside of desperate 5man dungeon groups.

And i don’t see Blizzard changing drastically within 1 expansion cycle.
They’re making good changes and turning back around to head in the right direction with class balance, but they’re slow to get to where they need to be.

They’re too scared to make big changes, they like to ease players in.

Which is why I think the current Blizzard would have a much easier time making fun specs if they removed some.
For example Arcane doesn’t need to be it’s own spec.

Or MM and BM could be the same spec, just giving the player an option on if they want a pet or to focus on their own power.

I think they could make a really interesting “Hunter”, opposed to what we have right now with 3 specs separating 3 different fantasies of essentially the same thing; a ranger who can use wildlife and traps to aid them.

Doesn’t matter, it works, even though it’s “only 5 man dungeons” :slight_smile:

how about less specs, and making classes a CLASS again, not 3 specs (even the new spells don’t fix this) pre mop classes were 1000% better then post mop.

An even better idea would be revert to MoP class/spec design. Ever since the WoD prepatch Class/spec design has been awful, I miss my MoP Warrior :frowning:

my only problem with adding speccs is simply.

the Specc is so OP compared to old ones that everyones forced to use the new specc for the first half of the expansion minimum

or its gonna be Less powerful then the other speccs and we wont see the New thing because it’ll be Underperforming for the class.

tbh, im happy they’re not doing Either of the ideas, mainly because they need to spend time with the current 36 speccs… and get them right… getting 3 Speccs which are all Leaps better then their current BFA iterations is the most important thing.

then next expansion they can drop new Speccs and stuff on us… although i’d be a bigger fan of a Allied race type system for classes

Like blood elf paladins can go on a Quest chain to become a Blood Knight and get different animations and Spell Colours etc etc… entirely cosmetic though.

Nope sorry, you are getting spells they took away from you given back to you. Be grateful, lmao. £40 plz.

There is the balancing side of things, but also if you wanna add new specs, then you better be ready to bring out 12 new specs or expect a sh*tstorm from all classes that didn’t get a new one.

Yeah I imagine they would want to release a spec for every class if they ever did that. Maybe the only class that could not get one would be the druid as they already have 4.

Funny that’s exactly what they said next expansion will do.

Oops, or not exactly. There’s no “remaining ones” in classic wow style talent trees. You make spec you want to play.

Uhh, to be clear now we want more specs, not less.

Ah yes, Classic WoW talent trees.

Tier 1: Backstab deals 4% more damage.
Tier 2: Backstab deals 8% more damage.
Tier 3: Backstab deals 12% more damage.

Amazing. I miss that, yeehee.

Oh i do miss that. In occasion you had a choice to take X% more other damage for example in other tree.

MoP style talent trees are more interesting. Fewer worthless bocks to tick, but every choice is a significant one.