Good you are recruiting the drenai to vote for Gorrosh.
No ,but there will be a warfront to fight who gets to use the “can” first.
Hate to be the loser in this case.
Finally nobody will dare to complain it was boring to afk there.
I’m just wondering what kind of resources we could gather while in that type of warfront.
Soap, paper and wifi usually the 3 things that i require when visiting a toilet.
Yes, wifi.
I see what you did there … and I like it
Ohh, if only Sylvanas was still around. Then we could kill Celes and raise her as a Forsaken!
please send her my way … readies the ashbringer
My fellow future subjects ther has been deseit spread among you there will be no toilet warfront there becouse there will only be victory for Gorrosh.
As much as i dislike the Alliance,i’m not that cruel as to deny them the need of visiting the toilet.
NO we have to strike them where they least expect it.
Think of yourself with red eyes, sick looks sis.
All this toilet talk though.
Thaladrin started something terrible !!
goes mad and finishes what arthas started finally wiping out the last 10 % of the blood elves and freeing azeroth from their tyranny
The only tyranny there will be is that of Gorrosh.
Vote Gorrosh for warchief 2020
But my Lady Liadrin said darkness cannot abide within the Light, you wouldn’t stand a chance.
shes a damn lier and what does the sinner of silvermoon know about the light anyway turalyon put it best shes no paladin
Wipe the last belfs ?
I wouldn’t mess with Thaladrin if I were you.
Someone who has that plate face mask but also manages to keep her hair that fresh at the same time is not to be pissed off.
eh belf warriors are weak you didnt even start with as a basic class when you was introduced
Plate masks are for the weak real warriors wear shoulders only.
My life for Warchief Gorrosh