seriously sort out your other servers, on stonespine and have been dc’ed twice now and sent to the back of the queue, I just moved from Firemaw……seriously mucked up!!!
SPANISH please!!! please!
Please add a Spanish server next.
Firemaw (English language server) world chat is is half Spanish already. Please do something about it.
i wait 7 hours in que… play 8 minutes… disconnect!!! WHATTAHTHATHASHFIUHASFWFGOWEOIJF ASIFHJ IOQAWFH OIPAHWJF O
and a spanish server? where?
you should have given more servers before the release and not at a time when the game is up and the communists are going to agree where they will play together
Spanish server!!!
Is this a Joke?
maaan ashbringer i may reroll aha but Mograine it is for now.
top kek haha. sorry you dont make the decisions your just the messenger, but damn thats a top quality trollpost.
Spanish server asap
Servidor español, no os dais cuenta que no solucionáis nada abriendo ingleses…
really blizzard… every server on EU has atleast 1 hour wait time and you add 1 server… get ur act together blizzard, its not like you didnt expect this to happen…
We need spanish server asap
vergonzoso señores de bli$$ard
I made almost one character on every low server before they got full and a long queue. Now i’m playing in Ashbringer (it really has a cool name) wondering which will be the next server to move on before this one gets a 5-10k queue.
If you open an Spanish server i will be there no matter the queue.
Please sign this change/org petition for a Spanish PvP server (I know XD) , just add the H before the link in case you want to help us
Como os gusta vacilarnos ,servidor Español!!!
My idea on how to solve this once and for all.
For every full server open right now, make a new server linked to them.
Open FCM from the full server to the new server and disable character creation there so people can keep their names but go on a new realm. Quick examples keeping the spirit of Vanilla raid boss names.
Firemaw -> Sapphiron
Gehennas -> Gothik
Golemagg -> Patchwerk
Mograine -> Zeliek
Shazzrah -> Anub’Rekhan.
I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to leave Firemaw behind right now but I don’t want to give up my name. I do not believe for a second I am the only one in this position.
Do this and open some Spanish servers and the queues will be gone by tomorrow. There’s no way they wouldn’t be healthy a good few months into it.
Dreadmist is now open.