No credit on WQ for killing Vakan - Zaqali Elders

Ignoring the loot, the credit for killing these bosses isn’t registering correctly. It took about 30 mins to get a group together through LFG and waiting on them despawning and respawning because a random pulled them and flew off, only to not get credit for both bosses on the world quest.

I killed both in a raid group, the pop-up like “Zaqali Elders defeated” popped up, DBM confirmed I killed both, but no credit for Vakan. This WQ is such a pain; please fix it.

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Thank you, I was wondering why it was so hard to get a full raid going and when we finally did, even though we killed both bosses, we were only credited for one of them.
I’m not wasting more time on this particular WQ until it gets fixed.

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