No more surprises entering a raid


Just a post to get you guys’ opinions on the state of PVE at the moment.

I think it’s really sad that every boss’ abilities are kwown before even pulling it.

Codex makes you anticipate everything before even seeing the boss, there are no more abilities that would wipe you and you’d have no clue about what happened to you.

I realise that PTR is important to avoid buggy fights on release, but having at least 1 or 2 bosses with no PTR and no codex per tier would be so much more fun in my opinion.

I miss fights like C’thun that would wipe you in the first 5s and you’d be like WTF.
I know that C’thun was heavily bugged on release but you get the idea.

It seems that mythic azshara won’t even have a secret phase this time…

Thoughts ?

I can’t say I agree. Doing a buggy fight that doesn’t work is by no means fun in my opinion. It’s just frustrating and makes me not want to do the fight/raid. Especially if you have to come up with a completely new strategy for the bugged version and the correctly working one.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if there isn’t anything in the dungeon journal, guides would still exist and any guild that’d be even a bit more serious about raiding, would require you to read/watch those anyway. As long as you don’t raid at a world first level, other people will have experienced the fights before and written guides about it.

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I think some fights going in blind would be fun, but certainly not all fights. If all fights were undisclosed those bosses would be limited in what they could do… EG Za’qul normal would be an expletive to figure out. Fights like Sivara though? Could be fun.

To be fair ffxiv releases raids that don’t need a nerf or fix. They have internal testing and it works fine. Never met a buggy boss in there…

While i love WoW raiding, i do agree that some mystery when entering a new raid would be nice.

Start trying to do some of them without DBM or something, many people will probably fail.

I’ve had moments in dungeons where I forgot to update DBM, and it felt nice to do it “blind”, you just need to open your eyes. many things you can avoid, just by keeping your eyes open.

People rely too much on applications, UI etc…you wonder how much skill they’d have if they were only able to use the basics that blizzard give.

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