Nobody want play with me

What I’ve recently noticed is that almost everyone currently playing around 2-2.1k cr in 2s is some some sort of arena veteran and tends to have at least the 2.4k achiev on their account. Feels like new, still learning players were rarely getting into arena these days. Indeed makes it tricky to push unless you’re playing with friends.

I tried to do some games with my spriest and damn there is actually nobody in q, only coaching/glad or toxic pve noobies.

Just logged off and quit the game as usual :confused:

I feel you man, that’s my experience a lot of the time, but every now and then I get a good player that’s relaxed and i usually add them to play later. Its the best we can do really to try and play. I actually also quit in legion because of that same reason exactly, i love the game but the community is unfortunately very very toxic/kinda dead.

Don’t worry about him, he is fine. He bought a boost to 2.2k

please dont expose me :frowning:

You bought everything a person can buy with money in wow.

I see you in rio with 317 ilvl you are doing +12 with people with 2.5k score, 3 chesting dungeons, getting curve with like 0% parce.
You go from “no one wants to play with me 1500” to 2250 in 5 days.

please stop :((((((((((((((((

Do you ever think he should have friends, guild who helped him to achieve what he want? You shouldnt pay in wow ig u got guild or friends…

I’ll play with you my dude, 0 CR, lets get 2.6k CR in 3 hours

I guess there people like me that are stuck on 2050 in 3s and 2250 in 2s for 3 months and then there are people like you that enter the arena, play 5 nights in their life above 1600 and then end up beeing 150 rating away from gladiator in Legion s3.

first you take that belly and put it right back to where it came from

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Happens man php and ret feral was op back then… Btw if it make feel u better im currently start to play with an 5x r1 shaman in this season but u can check im not realy touched arena in bfa… He is my friend and idk why it is a problem if i keep playing with him and maybe he teach me things… But there are ppls whose better than avarrage (unfortunetly im not one of them) and if they start something new they looks like a pro.
In first 2 legion season i was a fotm reroller for demo (if u played there maybe you meet with some demo lock who keep 1hitting ppls)

You know nothing about me and u are so toxic… Instant attack on me but i said nothing about you or anything. I just say maybe he playing with friends and thats why he adapting ao easily…
Btw my higbest pug exp is 2k i cant move forward without team and comunication

The difference between playing an OP comp or not is 100-150cr or so.

Even if someone plays with friends, even if they explain everything to him. even if they draw him pictures, there are certain skills you need to develop to play arena at high level that just take more then a couple of q sessions to develop them.

easy answer there are ppl with actual talent for adapting these things … we cant say anything while we dont get to play against him (them).

playing a comp which dont realy had counter play back than and fit ur play stile actualy means a lot . On my other paladin (i use it as heal) im usualy play with jungle cause i realy love the stile and suit me very well . that comp is so fcking easy to me as healer and can go realy high without prob. its more easier if u play with comunity and not with pug.

Big yikes dude lmao

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