Not Invited

The thing is having a dh in m+ is not bad they aoe is really good… easy make 10k+ dps and stuns etc etc the thing is people at wow see some youtube where it says dh suck and now its become meta that they suck…

they are not the best single target yes and as raids yes but M+ they are just right in the midd of the pack if u look at wow logs… tbh people are just bad or u see person with low score but want 800+ people when the person is 400 themselves

Tbh the game is a joke the content is over… there only one thing to do in WoW
Do you 10 key and wait 1 week do your Hc raid and wait again then do some pvp if u are right pvp class… and then noting more to do wow is so slow with content

16 years 8 exppack
Everquest 20 years 27 exppacks and better …

and why pay your dollers for that?

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If you want people to take you serious, start by not exagerating numbers, nobody waits 4h to get into a pug.

Second, I never said pugs are fine, but it is what is it so you either embrace it or look for a solution.

Again, if you have no friends or guild, babies or whatever the fk that’s not our problem, nor it is Havoc’s.

Also grow up boy, just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean he’s a “cancer person”. Also watch out with those insults because you don’t know who lost a person to a disease.

1k dps is a big difference if you are pushing 20’s or doing mythic raiding to achieve world first, however this is not the case of the OP so your argument is stupid and has no logic whatsoever.

Excuse me mr.hidden profile I wonder how many world first and 20’s you have done… ah ye, none lmao. :hear_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

I never mention people progress but I guess you are too afraid to show yours because you’ve accomplished nothing and base all your arguments on what other people did, rather than your own experience which is none. :rofl: :speak_no_evil:

Yeah but unfortunately many people just look at the rio score, thats why I’m actually pushing some dungeons I never needed any items from. For some reason the ilvl and rio requirements increase every week so you shouldn’t fall behind.

The only content you can do as unertuned class/spec is random bgs and world quest and ofc nrm and hc dung ! ( no raid, no m+, no rated bg)

Yeah, but this is one of the biggest issues, as I cannot play that much, and the time that I have is not being utilized well as I spend more time waiting to play, then playing… RIO is cancer

I can totally feel you my friend, i am now at 1088 rio ilvl 213 and got all of the keys timed on 13 since i am working my way up one by one.
Getting invites into 13s was hard enough but now that i am trying to get my 14s timed, oh boy not a single person wants to have me in their group, which cannot be blamed on my rio since 14s are the only thing i can do at this point to even gain rio, nor on my ilvl since there are people with even lower ilvl getting invites and also timing keys beyond 14. All it takes to get an invite except for the obvious things like appropriate rio and ilvl, is playing the right class at the right time.


Same here - 1193 rio, all dungeons timed at 14 and 1 timed at 15. I’m trying to join groups for 15 but not a single group wants a dh at all. In most cases I’m getting declined almost right after I apply. For the whole weekend i have been constantly applying for any +15 dungeons and the result is always the same - decline ,decline, decline, no matter if the group is newly formed with only the leader or almost full, it doesn’t even matter if the group wants a player with the covenant i’m playing with.

To the people saying “muh 5% magic debuff” - 2 balance druids do way more dmg than a balance druid and a dh. In fact the difference is so gross, that at boss fights with pride buff a semi-competent balance druid is doing 60%+ more dps than me.

And my AOE is not spectacular either - UHDK, balance druids, MM hunters - even half asleep they all can do better AOE DPS than me, especially hunters.

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Yeah i can totally agree on all of that, I wish i would even get so far as to have all 14s timed. To be fair its hard in general to get an invite for 15s because everyone wants the achiev, the mount and so on, so tons of ppl are applying, but then again it may be hard as a mm hunter, fire mage or boomy, but its nearly impossbile for a Havoc DH.
getting invites to 13s was ok i guess it got lucky, but why on earth its so different with 14s I just dont know.

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Just wanted to say that I’m huge WarHammer fan :slight_smile:
The Emperor Protects!

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DH ST is indeed awful and we’re left competing with 2nd specs from other classes, i don’t think sludge is a fair fight to look at though due to how much melee loses when moving in and out, I have a 87 log that is lower than our 38 log spriest for example. But DH in m+ is not bad at all. Due to our relatively short cooldowns aside from meta you can basically pop everything several times a pack leading to top overall damage, While a decent chunk of classes go ham and then do minimal damage for the next 1.5 minutes waiting for their cds

I’m not good by any means and i only play on the weekends but i don’t really have any issues in m+ as havoc.

That is true, in non tyrannical weeks DH is not a bad overall.
Most of the Dmg will then come from the packs as you said which on fortified is indeed useful, tyrannical on the other hand is a nightmare for every Havoc DH since it will sometimes feel like youre singlehandedly depleting the key, due to the laughable st dmg.
So even tho Havoc is a viable class when it comes to the aoe related part of m+ it sucks on bossfights and is also a melee, therefore even less wanted.
So the problem with DH is not his overall damage but rather his ST and the fact of the DH being a melee, this on the other hand leads to you not even getting invited so you dont even come to the spot where you can start proving to people that if played properly your overall will be quite solid.
On tyrannical people wont take you due to the lack of st, and fortified it only needs one bad affix like spiteful this week and there you go, no invites whatsoever.


while i agree with you as Aoe Dh is Decent in M+ but UhDk is better in St and Aoe,on top of that being in the middle of the dps pack doesn t get you in high lvl Keys,cause people wanna push their keys,wanna time their dungs and i agree,what Blizz could but won t ever do is balance things a tiny bit,but for real being outperfomed in both aoe and St feels Bad havoc is absolutely trash tier. Worst class in pvp worst class in CN

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Survival, Beast Mastery, Assassination, Arms, Destruction and Enhancement.

Yeah if you forget all this specs it is the worst lmao.

Btw I’m the best football player, if you forget Messi, Ronaldo, etc…

Please take off the glasses of convenience if want to give an opinion about something next time.

MM; Combat; Affliction;Elemental what about these specs and then we have havoc :thinking:
These classes atleas have some other dps spec to change until they favorite to be fixed

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Vengeance is a dps spec haven’t you seen MDI? At least you have some spec competitive unlike Warriors.

Veng dps spec you say :thinking: funny I guess my addons and blizz is wrong then to say its tank spec and maybe you have to look in the resent raid logs furry is in the middle of the pack now

I said worst CLASS. All these guys have other viable Dps specs. Want to keep demon hunter havoc trash as dps then give us another Dps spec!

Don’t know why we even bother arguing with you. You think havoc is right below rogue even though we are 11 places behind them. Also at least warriors are god tier in pvp. Havoc dh is top tier at nothing

I’m 93 percentile in CN and 95.5 percentile in m+.

When i say 1k dps difference is a massive difference i don’t ask for an argument from you, i state an undeniable fact.

According to your logs you think you’re some knowledgeable fellow but the reality is you scored 53 percentile in NORMAL mode CN with a median that’s shameful at best. And of course since we’re on the topic of m+ i can clearly observe a median of 64, as a healer mind you.

Yep, you truly have what it takes to lecture me on how m+ is done and how important a seemingly small difference in dps is.

Get lost troll. Feel free to check my actual char Rymi on logs on your way out since you had to go and check my profile.

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