Transmog > all other things.
I was once rich with tenders and now after this month i have hit rock bottom so it could not have been that bad
Best ever, dont even have enough tendies for what i want sadly…
Couldnt care less about hoarding mounts and pets il never use, thata stupid to me.
I feel the same way about mogs. I switch between 2-3 sets tops.
I would never buy transmog for 850 and it is so waste! Completetly ignore it!
Yeah, it’s always the shoulders ruining the sets - or in some few cases the pregnancy belts, though belts can usually be swapped out easier than shoulders…
Those were actually the recolors - the original class sets were already once on the TP last winter.
I bought the set but refunded it shortly after, because it looks horrible on the dwarf model. Shoulders are way too big and the 3D belt clips badly with the robes… as usual. That’s a flaw of the dwarf posture that ruins many modern caster sets.
I’m so glad we have Earthen gear now because honestly it looks the best on them.
dunno what you mean - you have sylvanas transmog and occasion to catch up on tenders if you have something frozen from previous months.
imo it should be even more tenders every single month so people could buy much more in trading post instead doing so many choices if they go for mounts most months
There’s a lot more returning than new stuff, but that’s because there are 3 full armor sets or “ensembles”
Although I have to say only the mage one fits Pandaren. I will let this screenshot speak for itself.
Well, you need to wear what you’re built for; don’t order yoga pants or mini skirts and expect to suddenly look like a super model when you’re chubby+.
No way. The trading post is really good. We finally have good stuff and not rainbow bikini.
I care less about mounts these days to be honest. Like you said, so many mounts
Transmog is always welcome. Pets are cute but I’d rather they not take up much space in the trading Post.
Literally the best month in ages. I had like 3/4k tendies saved up from the pretty subpar previous months.
the rewards and items in this months trader post is subpar and could be better since its the 20/30 th anniversary. They could have done a lot of warcraft rts tmogs from important chars and not just a semi good sylvanas tmog and a recolour of the lo’gosh set. weapons mogs would have been good also from the rts games like arthas’ hammer.
Or they could have us do stuff - like they are.
i agree with to have to do stuff, like make some meta achivement for diffrent hero chars and have a reward related to them at the end.
I love it instead! Thanks to Varian’s outfit my hair warrior now looks gorgeous!