Now that Mechagon is back in season 4

Will fire mages have to recraft the Sun King’s Blessing legendary onto gloves so that we can use the mechagon bracers? Or will they not be as useful as they were in BfA? Is that something people have checked with sims?

Blizzard said, they intend to remain those items to be as powerful as they originally were

Will fire mages have to recraft the Sun King’s Blessing legendary onto gloves so that we can use the mechagon bracers? Or will they not be as useful as they were in BfA? Is that something people have checked with sims?

This was being discussed in the mage discord. I don’t think anyone knows for sure but part of what made them so strong in BFA was the fact that they double dipped with lucid dreams.

That combined with the stat loss from the bracers being lower ilevel than a legendary or high ilevel mythic wrists and the fact that having to craft gloves pushes us to using worse stats on our alternative tier piece means mechagon bracers will certainly not be as strong as in BFA and may not even be BiS although it’s hard to tell for sure until the sims are in.

There is the possibility that they will double dip with the 4-set from our tier but the speculation is that Blizzard will seek to eliminate any double dipping nonsense as Ion is apparently on record saying the bracers double dipping at the time was a mistake.

TL:DR - we don’t know yet. Sims will be out when the patch launches in the USA next Tuesday.

It depends. You will usually always use it during combustion I think. The Bracers will give you 1 Fireblast every 2 minutes. This is kinda strong, if you care about having better combustions even without the heart of azeroth trait. I think it’ll be worth for infernal cascade in pve.

Especially in m+, where we have to weave scorches during our combusts

I’m just repeating what the mage theorycrafters have been saying. Maybe you’re right but no one will know for sure until the sims are published. Personally I think we have enough CDR on IB with mirrors of torment already given that we can SKB > combust > SKB and keep IC running the whole time (i.e. 12s + 4s + 2x6s = 28s, that’s a long time for IC to be up!)

Could see more use in AoE though.

Edit: I see you mentioned M+ too, I think that could be an area where it’s an upgrade but a lot of M+ uses DC instead of SKB, especially at the lower key levels. May be more of an issue at higher key levels and in organised groups.

The ironic thing is, that skb with nightfae is exactly better at low key levels, and dc is used, when people pull giant packs on fortified with insane tanks lol

That is not the case. As far as I can tell, SKB is always used at very high key levels.

Yeah, but DC used to be a niche Legendary, that people used in very high keys during fortified. SKB is always better for anything else, and also for fortified now, that the meta has etablished. It used to be different tho :slight_smile:

Season 4 be crazy, all those ridiculous bonus effects on gear.

Those bracers and that staff that zaps you but gives a chunk of intellect, our burst is gonna be stupid.

I doubt it will happen, but it would be sweet to have punchcards back too for that customisable trinket.

Also guys, don’t forget that dungeon gear is capped at a lower ilevel than raid gear so unless it’s really really strong, raid gear is going to be better simply because of the extra stats.

If you luck out and get it from vault, it’s not.

That was a dps loss over a normal staff in bfa. It has less stats than a normal staff and the zap put your trinkets on cd.

Imo, the mecha bracers might see some play in the 2min clasm skb build with PI but outside that I imagine the secondary stats will be better. I tried them without lucid dreams a few times and it didn’t feel like it was worth the keybind.

I hope they tune down the rings so they aren’t worth the ilvl difference between end of dungeon and vault. Farming those things on multiple toons was a pain in the but in bfa.

But we have a lucid dreams-like effect in form of the tierset, no?

I don’t think so… It was the minor passive they interacted with which was a proc to restore half a IB (I think). Each of the 3 spells the bracers restored could proc lucid, so you ended up with 2 IBs + 1-3 half IBs restored if I remember correctly. I doubt they would interact with the 4 set the same way.

I have the bracers in my bank I could just log on and test it out lol.

I thought it was the major effect reducing recharge time on fireblast to really low levels which meant a reduction by 5 seconds was already enough to get you an entire fireblast back.

They’re level-restricted, no?

I used them with the minute mage build which used the 1min azerite shard thingy and only used lucid as a minor and they worked fine.

Timewalking is up :grin:

Or they could just remove cooldown from Fireblast during Combustion instead of forcing everybody into their retarded esports dungeons.

Do you realise what would happen if you had an off-gcd, instant spell without a cooldown? Haha

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Are you on something mate?

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Pretty obvious he does not I would say.