Okay... where are these characters located in Shadowlands?

Arthas? Gul’Dan? Varian? Cairne?

Please, don’t tell me that Arthas is in the Maw :slight_smile:

… Baine? Did I miss something?

lulz, i meant his father :slight_smile:

That was the wishful thinking coming through, I bet :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway… we have no confirmation on those yet, but my takes:
Arthas is likely in the Maw, seeing as Sylvanas saw him when she went there. MU Gul’dan is likely there as well, AU Gul’dan and Varian were disintegrated by Fel so they should not exist anymore, as fel burns souls.
Note: Should. You never know with Blizzard.

Cairne could be anywhere, really. If it’s to be in one of the four we know, I’d say Ardenweald.


All of them are in the Maw (well, Gul’Dan and Arthas were a given, really… :P) because the system of death is broken since the end of WotLK because of the pact of Sylvanas. Everyone who dies now go to hell, lol.

Cairne was probably going to go to Bastion or Andenweald but at last second the Arbiter noticed that he had a son like frigging BAINE and that’s a sin on top of a disgrace for the whole world, so in the Maw he went as well :rofl:

Uhhh…interesting concept, it could be right even if it’s not confirmed by Blizzard.

Actually, you made me feel a lot better. I mean as a warlock I burn enemies with fel magic quite a lot of times…so I doom someone to death and then just peaceful non-existence.

A Paladin killing someone with the Light (or any other class, actually?). Your victims all go to hell even if you use “good” powers like Light and Nature to kill them :stuck_out_tongue:

All four are in the maw. Arthas because. Well. Arthas. (We also know this because Sylvanas saw him there).

The rest died post-Sylvanas’ bargain with the jailer. So they’re in the maw too.

Only lol’jin seems to have not gone to the maw thanks to the mark of Valour.


I don’t get why Arthas should be in the maw… he wanted to save Lordaeron after all and that’s why he became a death knight… Kael’Thas wanted to save the blood elves and he’s not in the maw…

He went way further than Kael’thas did. Frankly Kael should be in the maw too, but I suppose the Legion’s corruption got him off the hook. Arthas was going evil before ever touching Frostmourne, good intentions or no.

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He was evil by choice. Of course he is there. Play Warcraft 3 again. Destroying countless inoccent souls on his way to becoming Lich King. And 2(almost 3) fully populated kingdoms. Can’t get worse than that.

Wait, if Cairne is in the Maw, how do you explain in War Crimes If I recall correctly when Baine goes to the site in Mulgore where Cairne rests to ask for advice to his spirit about Baine becoming the “lawyer” who had to defend Garrosh despite all the bad acts that Garrosh did previously?

I mean in that book Baine talked to his father and Cairne didn’t mention anything about the Maw, or about him being in torment forever, he was just in a peaceful afterlife and he could talk normally…

Aaaaand it seems I have found another plot hole of Blizzard…also Christie Golden did it again, lol


Pretty much, aye.


pretty sure if golden had any real power in the story this would not have happen but hey lets blame golden and not Alex Afrasiabi for everything i guess he must be blackmailing the gaming community because he never seem to have answer for his poor decision making

Not her fault. The main Dev’s responsible just forgot to tell her about it. I don’t even think any of this was a thing until the team started their work in BfA.

I’m confused as to the timeframe (or retconnings?) of her deal because my memory of the icecrown story is that she makes the deal directly with the Valkyr so i’d have assumed her deal with the jailer came later.

Also, do we know for sure that death broke the moment the pact was made or is that just an assumption atm?


I think they sayd that the deal and first interaction with the Jailer was during the novel but the braking of machine happens after that, during Legion.

I’m fairly sure Cairne is not in the Maw.
As he and his wife showed themselves to Baine at the end of the Tauren heritage questline, and they seemed at peace…that said, it could have been a trick, since they claimed the void or nightmare entities, that were coincidently invading Mulgore and trying to murder my Spirit Animal, were part of the balance.

Do we have a Source on that? Because as I understand it, this only happened in Legion:

This is- I mean- this has actually been part of her plan all along. Certainly in the events in Legion where souls stopped going to the rest of Shadowlands- to the rest of the Covenenats, and they were all going into the Maw.
See here

The time where Sylvanas met the Jailor doesn’t have to be the time the “machine” broke.

So Cairne would be safe.

Maw, maw, maw, Kyrian

True. Kaelthas is shown to still care for his people even under Kiljaedens initial influence, he sent Muru to Silvermoon and his guilt was that he didnt find a solution for their addiction thats why he didnt want to return to Silvermoon until he did. Kiljaeden capitalised on said guilt and distrust towards Illidan, to get him hooked up on more fel.

Arthas burned Stratholme to the ground before even considering Frostmourne and the helm of Dominion… then he scourged all of Lordaeron and Quelthalas…

Sylvanas has been working with the Jailer since the ‘Edge of Night’ short story, Blizz said, so this is why Kael’thas is still knocking around, he died before then. However Cairne died after then, and is not in the Maw, Just got my Heritage armour last night for Tauren, and he is able to manifest to talk to Baine, so it seems -some- souls, by whatever means, can escape that fate.