Old Sub Spec

I miss the old Sub spec. What about you guys?

Sub was always the PvP spec. Why did they have to ruin it?

Where’s Gouge, Find Weakness, Premed, Shiv, long cd/duration Shadow Dance, SnD (etc)?

I really hate this new “shadow” theme. I wish they would just go back and make Sub what it used to be.

Anyone else missing this?


I like new sub very much
whoever did this did a very good job


Sub isn’t exactly bad right now, it’s just that there is no challenge worthy of it so all the sub rogues are disheartened enough to not play it.

But i like. So what?

I miss tons of things from legion and 5.4, but, BUT, dont need to return something. I was so pissed when i heard in blizzcon panel “poisons are back”.
Add something cool and NEW like it was in 7.2.5, dont return anything.
Old things brings old problems.

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