One Evil vs. the Other

I thought I should at least try it, mayo isn’t really something I slather everywhere so I never have any at hand to experiment with. But it was a decent alternative to go with that chicken I feel.

Now I wonder how it goes with my homeburgers

my man

Two wrongs do not make a right. I am sorry to bring up the comparison here, cause I feel what I’m using here is too extreme, but it’s the best thing I can come up with in the moment.

After World War II had concluded in a victory for the allies, many cities would parade and celebrate the liberation of their countries from the axis forces. Everyone can agree that that axis was probably one of the greatest evils in modern history.

As part of these parades, the women that would sleep with the German invaders were brought out and humiliated in public. People chanted terrible things at them, recited the acts they had one, shaved their heads bald, beat them up and in some cases even worse. This was all done to cheering crowds.

Nowadays, the consensus is that what was done was morally unjustifiable.

Now, I do not mean to imply that the current situation here is in any way comparable, of course not. But the point remains that while ERP (the axis) is a much greater evil than public naming and shaming, such acts are still reprehensible and those who partake in it gleefully should stop and question themselves if this is really the right course of action, considering you already have plenty of more discrete tools at your disposal to deal with it, that are all more effective than naming and shaming and sometimes even bullying.

Remember that in the end, the person on the other end of the screen is also just a human being just like yourself, who probably didn’t mean anything bad by what they do. No matter how vile you think it, there’s no reason to potentially cause emotional harm to a group of people who are usually socially awkward or cloistered up at home and quite often use this as an outlet for otherwise repressed feelings.

Such shouldn’t be done in a PG12 game, I agree, and definitely not in public chat channels, but here we are and what’s done is done. That still doesn’t justify, in no situation, the opposite.


Can we go back to the meat of the matter?

Im not sure what this has to do with BBQs, pickles and burgers.

Please stay on topic

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Personally I’d really like Telaryn’s recipe.

Please send me the recipe, thanks!

The recipe for the batter as follows

  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/2 cup of water, or as much as needed
  • 1 cup of breadcrumbs

Deep fry in vegetable oil. We chose olive.

The portions will depend largely on how much of the batter you’re going to make. For all the chicken and the fries we ended up making, we made like 2 or 3 batches IIRC? But we also made way too many fries, thinking that there’s no way just 4 potatoes could be enough.

4 potatoes is enough. Don’t attempt 8.

For bonus experimentation, lightly drizzle some olive oil over the chicken once it’s all ready to eat and dripple some lemon pepper over it. This may not be very healthy for you, but I thought it was a decent alternative to the marierose sauce if that’s not your thing.


Paprika is cool.


Don’t deep fry in olive oil

I simply get the feeling that the anti-ERP movement AD has is a copy paste of the tumblr SJW movement at this point.
Can’t shake the feeling that the people leading it all craves for attention or think they are actually just better than other human beings for doing what they do.


I’m just here for the goofs


I’m here for the homeburgers.


I don’t think marie rose sauce was the right choice my dudes. Burger was good, sauce was good. Don’t think they just work together.


I can respect that.


ERP should never be defended, ever, ever, ever. It’s extremely damaging to our community and boiled down to it is extremely creepy.

Defending ERP is just beating around the bush of ERPing yourself. It’s gotta’ stop.

rise up gamers let’s get this victory royale against the creeps.


We must defend the PCU by eradicating all ERPers.



I don’t quite get what people see so wrong about ERP. I mean, let people do whatever they want, it’s none of your concern what people do on the internet. It’s like saying watching adult movies is horrendous and should be illegal. Let people enjoy things. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. But stop name calling and bashing people who do.

It’s cause there’s kids on this game yadda yadda.

Yeah do what you want but not on this game. I look at the 12 age rating