[ORC-RP] The Hand of Nazgrath ((Return))

In Blackhand’s name and memory we rallied, raising the banner of the Highmaw
With the mighty memory of Mannoroth burning in our veins, we marched forward
We were few, but convinced in our victory against the Weak-Guts of the false Horde
Blackrock was a distant home, lost on the horizon beyond the great sea between us
But now our Warband is scattered, our banner broken, and the weak rot in the dust
May Nazgrath have mercy upon our failure

[Basic Information]

  • Who are we?

The Hand of Nazgrath (now returning after a hiatus), commonly referred to as the “Highmaw Clan” are a Dark Horde loyalist clan, fighting for the dead cause of Blackhand’s sons, sworn to a higher power that now fuels their crazed campaign to honor the Dark Horde and bring ruin to anyone they deem as enemies, no matter how arbitrary.

  • Who fights for the Highmaw?

After the crushing defeat suffered in the Barrens and the loss of their only base of operation across the sea from the Eastern Kingdoms, the Highmaw clan has now been reduced to a skeleton crew of defeated remnants. In the past, the Highmaw only accepted Orcs, but with the tides of change, the Highmaw must rebuild.

  • What do we do IC?

As before, the main theme of the Hand of Nazgrath is to be an antagonistic guild, mainly dedicated to actively fighting other guilds and create conflict or stories for guilds - Both Alliance and Horde. Granted, with the guild rebuilding and starting anew, this active conflict will be put on the backburner until the guild has fully rebuild.

[Rebuilding and Changes]

  • Auxiliary

With the defeat suffered in the Barrens and the Highmaw having been declared enemies of the Horde, bounties and all, with the clan’s return, the Hand of Nazgrath will allow a handful of other races besides Orcs to join, although as “Auxiliaries”. These members will not be able to climb the ranks the same way as regular Orcs, and are not officially considered members of the Highmaw, but rather as glorified mercenaries.

  • A new agenda

Having been destroyed and becoming known traitors, the clan can no longer operate openly, nor recruit actively. Therefore, the remainder of the clan have publicly abandoned the Highmaw cause and taken up new identities so that they may blend in amongst the public. With these new identities, the Highmaw will attempt to create a new foundation and fighting force from the shadows, under the guise of a foundry.

Thus, a lot of the RP with the new iteration of the guild, will be this disguised foundry RP, while we rebuild. Therefore, any new member we recruit is expected to keep their Highmaw affiliation a secret IC until we return fully again.

  • Corruption

With the rework in both theme and approach of the Highmaw, the guild will now openly show their devotion to the past of the Orcs. Thus, to reach the higher ranks in the guild, each Orcish member will need to drink the demonic blood the leadership have already consumed and will offer. A member can abstain from the pact, although will not be able to rise in rank beyond the lowest of tiers.

  • Rank Changes

The ranks will mostly remained the same as in the last post, although some have been removed as they were not needed due to the downsizing of the guild. These are the ranks that will be used for now;

The acting leader of the Highmaw, currently held by a Dragonmaw known as “Felrage”

Honor Guard
A rank reserved for officers

Those that have been formally declared Highmaw through trials and ceremonies

The rank given to what we consider “core” members, so the average bulk of the guild

Mystics is an umbrella rank for those Orcish characters who are magically inclined

The raiders are mostly the members who are new to the guild, although has proven themselves in combat IC

Members that are not Orcs, however they cannot climb in the ranks further

Brand new recruits to the guild


If you wish to join or simply ask questions about the guild, message one of the respective officers in-game

OOC names:



Yeaaaahhhh bois. Orc gang orc gang orc gang


A bunch of very cool gamers.


Haha me dum dum, me back for more


More head trauma.


Question me and I shall burn your skeleton from the inside.


One of the cooler Orc guilds out there, if only they had more HONOUR! we could’ve been bffs… but alas…


Drinking fel and fighting horde? we should unite.
Haha jk…
Unless…? :flushed:


:flushed: Haha… unlesss…?


Ok now I will join.


most Based


A Dark Horde guild? POGGERS!! Let’s drink some corrupted mountain dew together sometime :flushed:


Really like the concept you’ve got going lads, especially the throwback to the Dark Horde which is a great touch. I recall during my time in the Chosen of Draenor fighting you guys several months back in the Barrens.

A genuine thumbs up for good taste, hope it goes well for you lads


Raaaghhhh death to felrage



Welcome back my lovely little rivals :heart:

Lets get hospitalised in fashion


Fought these guys once, extremely cool and dare I say it, BASED folks.


[The Foundry]

Whilst returning to Orgrimmar under disguise and with a new public image to shroud their past allegiances to the Highmaw and the name of Blackhand, the Hand of Nazgrath has now properly opened business as a foundry in Orgrimmar.

Through this venture in the Valley of Honor, the Highmaw now attempt to make both contacts and acquire resources under this false guise whilst they slowly rebuild their legion behind the scenes.

Want a new sword forged? Maybe an axe? Karg Anvilfury will see you well equipped!


Raaaauuuurgh, for the hooorde

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Sounds like a group of good quality Orcs!


Now this looks like a job for me