Orgrimmar is under foreign occupation

The Forsaken architecture in Northrend could be a good template for a new city, at least stylistically.


To be fair the horde hasnt felt like the horde since burning crusade.
In the last few expension packs you where the elven empire in all but name.

Before legion the blood elf had to pretend the rest of the horde wasnt servant race’s.
After legion the blood elves and nightborn are the true rulers of the elven empire and the servant race’s are expected to obey.

Part of me wants to see lothamar become warchieft just so i can call him emperor of the elven empire.
And part of me wants to see baine just to see the reaction of the horde players.
But mostly i just want ogrimar to burn.
A nice repayment for both tedrassil and tharamor.

Count your blessing you arent under emperor andiun rule.
Atleast baine still care’s for the horde in its own twisted way.
Andiun doesnt even pretend to care for his people.

How politically incorrect!

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Regardless of personal bias against Sylvanas, people should probably learn to distinguish the situations caused by her, and the ones caused by others.

The reason Orgrimmar is “full” (not really, but whatever) of Forsaken citizens, has nothing to do with the fact Sylvanas is the acting Warchief.
Those are all refugees from a destroyed capitol. They aren’t there because Sylvanas wanted them to. They are there because they have nowhere else to go.

In times when the Horde is at war, the factions refugees will inevitably turn towards the factions main hub. Not because they want to, but because they end up needing to.

The guards patrolling the streets are still orcs, trolls and Tauren.
And their presence there has nothing to do with Sylvanas.

In fact, they are there because the former Warchief deemed necessary to have a more multicultural approach in Orgrimmar to prevent certain Orc supremacist tendencies.
Personally, I’d rather each race kept to themselves. But the problems with Orgrimmar overall diluted orc presence, predate Sylvanas.


For me, Orgrimmar has always been the city I had to live in because we didn’t have one of our own. I think that’s pretty much how it feels for the Forsaken there right now…
The abomination guarding the throne room looks a bit out of place ( maybe they put it there to scare off the Nightborne tourists? :smirk: )but then again, I think it makes sense for Sylvanas to rely on the protection of her own people rather than orcs, especially after Saurfang’s defection.
Plus she is the actice warchief and Orgrimmar is the Horde capital not just orc capital, so it’s only natural that there should be a bigger Forsaken representation as long as one of them is in power.
Overall though, it still looks and feels mostly like an orc city, at least to me.

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Your warchief is udead elf that does’t trust anyone. So why would she let orcs to guard her capital, especially after Saurfangs betrayal?

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Because it ruins Orgrimmar fantasy and the horde theme.

It doesn’t. Horde is not only orcs since 2004 (even since WC3 in some aspects), deal with it. There is more then enough orcish in Orgrimmar for now. Almost everything, except some NPC.


Because that would be a very foolish thing for her to do. The instant she kicks a race out of positions in their own city, is when everyone starts to go “Uh oh, I remember how this ended when Garrosh did it”.

She is now in a race against time to accomplish her plans, as she is losing the support she needs. She isn’t stupid. She knows herself this is happening, even if not to -how far- it has gone, and her ability to stop it decreases regularly. She needs to keep those assets she has, still on side, and that means no rash moves that remind people of Garrosh…

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Well she ain’t got to worry about losing Mag’har support, as far as we know.
Forsaken are still on board (unless Delaryn or Lillian takes up a “Forsaken Rebellion” role)
Some Blood Elves are still with her.

But your right in the general terms. She is running out of time, but here’s the difference between the rebellion now and the rebellion before.


If we look at this through Tyrande’s eyes, those characters (barring Thrall) supported the attacked on her people and Darnassus. This is going to create more problems.

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The only support she looses is support of racial leaders, but according to Lor’Themar, ordinary hordsmen totally support Sylvanas. So there is now reason for wide rebbelion as it was at Garrosh times.


It will be under human occupation soon if Saurfang gets to decide so be happy about the undead.


Undead are humans anyway. I don’t care, whether they are alive or not, they don’t belong to orgrimmar


Second hand humans. In some parts literally.

Same as draenei to be like half demons, second hand demons, the hoofs and horns specially. Please don’t judge race with your personal opinion.

About Kppax, nope. This is good of the horde we can be and mixed well, equally in every city. Not like alliance, humans and nothing more special. Forsaken loose their city and Sylvanas as warchief can be everywhere from main cities, but as capital Orgrimmar is the right place.


Sylvanas can build a new capital for herself and her forsaken instead of spoiling my orcish capital with abominations and dark rangers.

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Orgrimmar is under foreign occupation

Frist they came as refugees then they went home, then they came as refugees again and now they are a foreign occupation!

Calm down Drama queen’s.


They Took Our Jobs!!!


Even if writers, want a new city, Sylvanas and forsakens are in right place at the moment. Same guards Sylvanas use, just like home. If we think, like Sylvanas, as so much traitors of the horde Baine, Saurfang, it’s better to protect with her own people.

I remember Vol’jin also trolls were main defenders. This is normal.

But I suppose Undercity will be back instead of creating new main city for them. Undercity was iconic place, same as Teldrassil.

This is not how things will work in capital city.

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