Oribos constant wind sound / Looking for sound ID

I’m trying to mute / find sound id of Oribos constant wind sound. If some1 have an idea i would appreciate.

I managed to mute oribos trade disctrict constant sound if any1 else annoying this sound. By “Mute Sound File” addon. /msf and write id of the sound.

In the interim, would reducing the ambient volume help?

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That would do it :slightly_smiling_face: best and simple solution.

No guys, reducing ambient volume not effecting this sound

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sigh It’s probably in Sound Effects, and you don’t want to turn down Sound Effects because you wantto hear your own spells. They’ve got into doing that recently. :angry:

Try the .ogg effects around this point in the database:

did you find the sound ID ? its very annoying

I find these threads upsetting and feel kinda left out because of my weakauras I can’t really hear any other sounds in game. Makes me feel like I’m missing out :frowning:

I hope to find the sound ID for those as well, its really loud and is not categorized as ambient noises :frowning:

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