Paladin gladiator stance

Remember the warrior gladiator stance? A dps with a shield. Would love that for Paladin.
Combining it with spellbreaker or something.

Mr. Dainyr, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. :kissing_closed_eyes::heart:

I’ts happening in Shadowlands !! Ret’s going to be even less useful !!

Can you provide a link to a valid source for this claim please?

Shihiroki must be referring to the return of auras for all specs. Can’t see how ret would be less useful with the return of the auras.

I feel Shihiroki’s post has nothing to do with auras though.
His claim seems to be that gladiator stance is returning in Shadowlands and it is given as an option to Protection Paladins instead.
So I still wait for him to answer and justify his claim personally.

On your post Rastah, auras will not take away anything from Retri as you very well pointed out. On the contrary It will only add to the specs utility.

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Hard to disagree to that, brother.

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So at Blizzcon, Blizzard said that :
“All Paladin should tank, heal and deal damages”. They also mentionned the fact that design should be more class focused than spec. In order to do that, they are going to remove weapon restriction, so ret may be able to wear shields again. As a result, I assume that protecion paladin is certainly going to have more agressive options.

Besides, my claim are not to be taken seriously. However, I do think that Blizzard is probably going to gut retribution Paladin…

I am actually excited for Shadowlands if they brought these kind of things to the table! Would love to play a ret pally with a shield that is a viable build to do things with!

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