Pasting Password into Ingame Shop

Please allow us to do this. The field currently doesn’t allow us to paste in text. It’s a PITA typing out my weird complex password.

It’s 21 century, secutiry > comfort. I doubt we can get both of these :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not secure to copy/paste passwords.

Plus a lot of companies block pasted passwords in order to block password managers (never did figure out what they had against password managers).

I remember well when users always used to say “Copy/Paste is safer than typing it”… Nope… the windows clipboard is easier to intercept than anything else lol.

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Safer to use copy paste with a password manager with unique password than typing directly a shared password so the restriction is kind of annoying and stupid.

At least for now you can use normal web browser for most purchases.

I understand the issue. However, this password field is literally the only place I’ve ever encountered that does not allow copy / paste of passwords. Even my banking website allows copy / paste, and my password manager has a copy function right next to its password. So… on my own head be it, as far as I’m concerned. Let me take the no doubt completely insubstantial risk.

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