PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

To echo tempercoil a bit, if you think rebranding or whatever would ‘help’, I dunno what to tell you other than ‘yeah right’. In the absence of a boogyman to light on fire, RPers will literally make up their own out of half-facts and misunderstanding.
Need proof? Just look at the non-PCU guilds getting accused of being a part of the community. How does someone confabulate that much?
I don’t know, but i do know one title won’t make a difference compared to another when weird-tier goobers run out if things to tweet about. If anything, keeping it as PCU is a brilliant way to weed out stooges who judge people based on the tag under their name, which, as has been said, nobody would want to deal with, in any context.

Im sorry if anyone was hurt in the past, or upset, or whatever. Here’s what it comes down to though: one side of this ‘divide’, the main one formed long after whatever drama occurred literally years ago, is happy to rp with anyone who comes along, the other isn’t. That, imo, says a lot about the people trying to virtue signal and puff themselves up for taking a stand against the ‘evil’ PCU, than it does about the dozen-guild community trying to be inclusive and inviting.

tl:dr? Get a job, get over it, and get back to RPing.


The only issue I have is the use of PCU.

It’s very…


Love Lordamere Rangers me

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Yeah, I get that. It isn’t though. Kind of like how ‘vicarious’ looks a bit like ‘vicious’, but they have nothing in common.

They’re cool people. Even if they’ve tried to kill every character I’ve had meet them so far.

Well, it does seem it. And you must understand that it comes across to everyone outside of that bubble. It makes you all look like you’re controlled by one guy. Which I know you’re not, but thats the idea it gives with the naming convention.

I would also say that the use of it comes across a bit exclusive towards only those part of it and those only interested in the PCU. Especially in guild threads. Using the tag [PCU] probably puts people off from wanting to look at it, not because it’s “urgh, PCU” but possibly more “Oh, it’s not for me, I’m not part of that group. :(”. Which again, I know is not the case but is a thought that may have crossed many a minds.

Basically, what I am saying, is that I would love to go back to a world where we can have collective of guilds and not label ourselves so that we don’t seem exclusive.

Aye, I know exactly how It comes across because I used to think the same thing. You know what happened?

I got over that trepidation and doubt, and decided to rp a character i wanted in a guild that fit them (which happened to be PCU) and I soon realised what a goofball I was for thinking that a couple of letters excluded me from rp.
Literally everything I feared was in my head, which is why it makes me sad when people work themselves into such a tizzy over this.

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That means you understand how these things are coming across exclusive and could be potentially putting people off of joining or collaborating due to it seeming so.

I think at the end of the day, this is all based on assumptions, from both sides of this petty misunderstanding of one another and what we all want.

I just want it to be 2014/15 again with how great the RP was and everyone got on (for the most part). The RP might be great now, but it feels we’re divided more than ever.

And it really makes me sad.

Yeah, i said, i do understand that. However, when i think something ‘seems’ a certain way, i investigate to draw my own opinion. Im sorry for expecting other people to do the same.
And sure, rolling the clock back 5 years or so woukd be great, but its also irrelevent. Living in the past isn’t going to take you anywhere but backward.

Where’s the misunderstanding? I want in depth, no-stress, cooperative RP experience with cool and chilled out folks. Everyone I know and play with wants that, too. Is that not what most rpers desire? So where do the wires get crossed?

Then you´d have people scream how PCU is trying to sneak recruit people into our community by not labeling the forum threads with its name. There is literally nothing we could do to please the anti-PCU crowd, so what´s even the point of trying?

Also, in regards to the name in general, if there is someone who will ignore me if I RP at them just because they don´t like the name of community which I´m part of, then good riddance. I wouldn´t want to RP with such person anyway.


Dorlas just made a great example of a misunderstanding or just an assumption.

Why would anyone with a sound mind think that guilds were trying to sneakily recruit people into a guild without a tag for PCU?

I don’t get how you guys could jump to that conclusion.

You’re a community of guilds working together every now and then and have your own plotlines you follow.

How is that any different from say the several Discords I am in that do the same thing but do not put like say [CODU] or [SCU] in our tags.

That’s some proper hyperbolic assumption.

The second part is understandable, I totally get that. If someone doesn’t want to RP with me because I’m part of the Thalassian Skyguard, then fine. I don’t care.

I’ve had people whisper me when I’ve put recruitment ads for my guild in general/trade chat that I must put PCU somewhere in that text to not be misleading.

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That’s ridiculous. Those people are absolute batcrap insane.

That’s exactly the question. Why WOULD people think That? I don’t know, but they do. Or would.

Bloody RPers, mate.

Just ban RP. That’s the only fix to this.

Damn bro, you hit your head pretty hard there; are you okay?

Wait; Shaowlands? Blizzard abuse scandals? Climate change?

Bro wtf are you talking about; come on, Warlords of Draenor is out soon, I bet its gonna be fab!

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WoD was a golden age for RP.

No one can deny that.

If WoD hadn’t happened none of you would know my face.

We’ll get there. Just a few more high profile scandals to tighten the vise to save WoW’s sinking ship.

“If a piss up is organised it isn’t a real piss up” -Sun Tzu


Unironically same:

I started playing again just before WOD hit - so if any of you wonder why my RP events are like they are, its because I rejoined the community exactly when the official canon plotline was

“We must travel backwards through time and space to defeat steampunk orc Hitler”.

People call me a lore bending monster; they never realise it was the lore that made me this way…