PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

one of the funniest things to me was when someone in trade chat was complaining about “the pcu saying that teldrassil burned down 1 week before it happened”, referring to a pre-lordaeron invasion event that i ran in cathedral square for like 15 mins one time, back when only like 1/3rd of the drums of war campaign organisers were actually pcu

basically like 99% of the anti pcu crowd don’t know what they’re talking about really


You hit the nail on the head without even knowing it. Anti-PCU crowd don´t have sound mind when it comes to dealing with us. We´re talking about people who will call us sub-human, tell us to drink acid or say that our LGBT+ members are fake gays, simply because we´re part of an RP community.
There is no reason to try to appease them, so why should we?

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key words:

Sadly we do it for a reason and the reason is so we just get left alone and go on with our RP instead of dealing with a monkey

Key positions if anything may just heighten the potential fall out, if you cant get on with a group and you have legit tried more often than not your better off just not interacting with them anymore, not everyone can get on and constant drama is a huge drain to most involved, some enjoy drama but alot of people dont, pointless trying to force people to engage with eachother especially if theres alot of bad blood, some bridges cant be crossed really after a certain amount of drama has taken place, is what it is.
(edit) also, getting abit of a vybe from the post that you may believe its mostly the anti-PCU causing this issue, probably not the best tactic if your legit interested in actually fixing things…the post doesnt sound very neutral so thats an interesting approach to take really…wish you the best of luck with this I hope it works but I dont think levelling most the blame on one party is gunna be an effective method to you know…actually solve any of these issues, pointing the finger rarely works.

The rest of us just adopted the lore, you were born in it, molded by it

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Its a Kaitylinn lore universe, you’re just roleplaying in it.

Lowkey agree on this, though for a different reason. It’s just dated, and as several people have pointed out in this thread, it’s not even applicable with the broad spectrum of guilds cooperating. No - I don’t think a change would particularly change outside perspective to any meaningful degree, but it would be more in line with the modern state of affairs.

It’s a bit like watching your friend boot up their cool gaming rig and see the Windows 98 screen pop up. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s not the obvious choice anymore.

Thank you for attending my TED Talk.

Also on a side note as to blaming the anti-PCU for these issues, I stopped playing wow roughly 10+ years ago…I never interacted with PCU or anti-PCU on wow, came back to wow for a brief moment couple months ago didnt really get into the roleplay scene much but I run a community on ESO and some multi-community “crossover” type projects and one thing I have noticed is alot of the ESO community, especially those who have joined me…we would conversate casually in discord about what other games we have played, places we’ve roleplayed ect and an awful lot of the ESO community coming from WoW have left WoW because of the PCU…not the Anti-PCU, so…just abit of food for thought regarding you trying to fix this issue, it may be worth taking a more neutral stance, try and look at why the anti-PCU are behaving like this maybe instead of just asking them to stop and to start interacting with the PCU again.

There’s definitely something wrong with using 98 in 2021.

people who think PCU brand is misleading must the same kind of mfs who go to Apple Store to buy actual apples


Try and do that, only to be called names and having rocks thrown at me? No thanks pal, I rather just ignore them, if they want it resolved, they come to me without insults and and usual drama.

Thats fine, it seems they dont mind ignoring you guys either, may be better off that way.

And did they elaborate on that? Because the first person who I saw saying they stopped RPing in Orgrimmar because of PCU was half-dragon child roleplayer. Another person who was hostile towards PCU on the forums did so because characters from PCU Horde guilds were hostile towards their Sandfury troll (a.k.a. hostile tribe to the Horde) in Orgrimmar.

Saying “someone left because of PCU” means nothing. I personally know few people who, if they came to ESO and talked to you, would say PCU destroyed their RP, even though they are 100% at fault and utterly toxic people (including one who told my guild to drink acid and then called us subhumans).
Yet, in this hypothetical scenario, they still left WoW for ESO because of PCU.


I don’t think it’s meant to considering


I wish they’d actually do this instead of constantly picking fights, then throwing a tantrum when they realize it’s dumb and does nothing, and then leaving to have us live forever rent-free in their heads while, as i hear it, they play ESO

Ultimately it just doesn’t really matter because no amount of effort will succeed in rebranding at this point anyway. PCU is simply a household name.

Snarky tone asides, it is demonstrably inaccurate. By now it’s a collective of guilds, among which several operate and were founded independently of that one specific player. Used to be that was more or less the case, but the times have clearly changed as things expanded.

Ultimately it’s neither my call nor concern, but the name was discussed and I felt like pitching in.

May be so. :man_shrugging:



They did, they mentioned many reasons why, Its not for me to say whether these reasons are factual I imagine theres three sides to this story, theirs…the PCU’s n then what really happened, but again if the aim is to actually fix this having all this turn into a “anti-PCU are being mean, they need to stop and just start interacting with us because they hold IC positions of authority” I just dont think thats going to solve anything, because I imagine those anti-PCU are quite personally invested in their issues with the PCU, so it may be worth taking a different approach
edit: its quite funny really, I myself have been accused by some of being ESO’s Perroy recently due to my own attempts at bringing the ESO community together so I do understand some of the PCU ideals having heard much about them over the years, but I’ve also heard some things that if are true are absolutely disgusting, so again…pointing the finger at one side isnt going to fix anything imo.

I can assure you that the PCU isn’t interested in this.

It’d be nice for the people inbetween if they didn’t get caught up in the anti folks’ weird paranoid frenzies, but ultimately the PCU is fine as is either way and happy to just move forward.

I am also quite happy to not RP with anyone that holds a grudge over something trivial for years in a row/believes having a group of guilds is monopolizing the server.

Well then, if thats the PCU’s general opinion on this, theres probably no need for this comment section, it seems you guys know what you want.