PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

dont say this you’re breaking my heart

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We’re quite content, yeah. But the OP isn’t part of the PCU, but still has to deal with the paranoid people, which is ultimately just a shame.

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Yeah I understand that, can be a shame when things cant be fixed, isnt always possible but as I can tell it seems you guys are past wanting to fix it aswell, sometimes thats best…to just move on and not interact with eachother

I don’t want to beat the dead horse in this thread, especially since I’m sure many people brought this up again(I’m not following entire thread closely, do pardon me) but the problem with “Ignore them and carry on” is that it creates bubbles and somewhat gated communities. And while it isn’t a huge issue for the members of said bubbles, it’s a huge issue for folks who just want to travel around the world and interact with whoever they meet. Regardless of their community.

It sucks, but while most claim it’s impossible to fix this - I disagree. It’s -extremely hard- to fix it, to the point it being almost impossible. But whilist there’s at least 10% chance of this problem going away - I’m not leaving hope of it actually happening.

What you said explains it perfectly, its not a huge issue for those in said bubbles and ultimately none of us are obliged to anyone else, at the end of the day rping isnt a job no one gets paid for it, its a hobby and once you stop enjoying that hobby due to OOC drama, generally you either stop playing or you take measures, bubbles are those measures, ESO has alot of the same issues, we’ve recently started breaking down those barriers thankfully but again…alot of ESO communities have this issue also but like you said its extremely hard to fix sometimes to the point where its not even worth the effort…none of us are getting paid for this so may aswell just mix with those you get on with and enjoy whatever free time you put into gaming/rp.

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just think about “PCU” as a noun bros and not an abbreviation


Rename the PCU to; Perfectly Culturerd Universe.

I’m still hoping for “Pretty Cool Union”

I think 9/10 people who are turned away by the tag do so because they’re part of the anti-pcu crowd.

Guilds have always interacted more with people they’re friends with/know offer great story, pretending this is a new thing isn’t right.

I think 99% of us just want to rp what we want, without having to take insults and threats from random people loads, and we’re currently pretty content I like to believe.

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Holy Crapola. I’ve been reading and reading and I’ve just about read all I can. There’s a certified gamer-moment coming.

I only started playing on AD around the end of WoD/Start of Legion, and ever since then, it’s been a never ending tunnel of he-said she-said about what a bunch of hunchbacked RPers supposedly did or didn’t do.
For the love of God, Heaven, and all that’s holy, I challenge anyone to provide, once and for all, a definitive list of all the grievances and wrong-doings that ‘The PCU’, ‘RG’, or Perroy has ever comitted against you and your family, because I will bet every penny of my meagre wealth that it doesn’t come anywhere near deserving of the reactions there are.
I’m sick and tired of reading things like, ‘Man, these differences are just too deep :pensive:’ or ‘Nobody will ever be able to overcome these divides’. Are you serious? Did Mists of Pandaria teach you nothing?

Excuse me, but short of murdering your family, I don’t see what anyone could have done 4+ years ago that was so abhorrent, so unspeakably insidiuous that it inspires fear and distrust in people over a VIRTUAL PLATFORM so long afterwards.
So just what was the great wronging? Did someone from Rotgarde call you a mean name when they were a teenager? Did an IC situation go a way you didn’t like, and so you got mad OOC and kept a grudge ever since? Oh okay, hold on, maybe it was an EVENT - a great big campaign, and. . .there was a disagreement? Holy HELL, stop the presses for the next 5 years everyone!

Please, can anybody actually tell me what happened? Or will this continue to bunch of can-kicking over vaguely recollected interactions that happened when the community at large wasn’t even a figment in someone’s imagination?


Im sure thats what everyone wants ultimately, to just be able to rp in peace, if the anti-PCU crew arent engaging people who are PCU or they believe aligned to PCU thats their right, just like its your right to not engage with them, insults arent needed thats just childish/petty, if people are being intentionally offensive toward you use the report function thats what it is there for I imagine so anyway and just crack on and enjoy your own peoples company, I wish you guys all the best I’ve had my fair share of drama both on wow years ago and on ESO recently so I understand it can be frustrating at times.

In an ideal world this would work.

In a realistic world however it’s painfully known how little blizz cares about moderation as soon as even 1 single RPer is involved.

That’s basically what I was saying though. I just don’t think we should be labelling ourselves with specific groups. Never ever said it was new by my words.

Just we’ve created, and most on the ‘Anti-PCU’ side narrative this situation of “RP with them, you’re not my friend.” It doesn’t help that ‘PCU’ members then play up that narrative too, at points seemingly feeling superior to others for being part of that collective. It happens, sure it may be in jest but sometimes it feels they aren’t jesting and truly believe. That leaves a bitter taste in some mouths, definitely with me anyway.

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That is a shame, other than ignoring people it doesnt seem like theres many if any more options.

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My favorite EU ESO RP moment was when, as I recall, Perroy joined ‘the’ Discord server for ESO RP on the EU server and got banned before being let past the ‘entrance gate’ channel or w/e its called because some vehemently anti-PCU people threw a panicked fit over that, it was honestly pretty vile imo


Truly respectable people

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Sure is,

supporting and encouraging this sort of thing isn’t

The problem isn’t them ignoring us, u can search for as long as you like and I dont think you’ll find a single PCU member crying over it. The problem is their way of communicating that. When I want to tell someone I dont want to rp with them, I say “Aight, I’ll dip here, since I can see this is going to be less than enjoyable.” I don’t call them a facist, tell them to drink acid or start ranting to them about some schizo conspiracy

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I’m still pretty convinced miscommunication and lack of dialogue between parties feeds into it, like every guild rivalry ever.

Like I’ve said maybe 9 times now; I used to be part of a guild that was accused of member poaching among other things by a self-declared rival. Just seeing their own membership decline sent them into fits (knowing this because I was in their guild prior and left because of said leader’s actions) and they actively engineered rumours to break us, hitting me full force while in a leader role with random anonymous alts sending me hate mail and accusing me of manipulating people when I did nothing of the sort. Said rival also sent a spy to join us, infiltrate and break the guild from within until our utterly inoffensive ways had them admit to me what they were doing, that they were sick of their employer’s paranoid lies and defected to our guild.

When something as small as a bruised ego can be spun into a long slog snowballing into rumour mills, it’s entirely believable to me that a bad emote can be twisted into a years long feud that grows and grows on hearsay, exaggerations and outright lies.

Since nobody will work anything out, this is what it is until someone gets sick of it all.

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did they happen to play khajiit

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Honestly I don’t really see why the onus to be the bigger people is on the PCU tbqh.