PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

Someone didn’t like how things went with the Blood Aegis and themselves and began to spread rumours that we drank the blood of Amerane and hung people outside of Silvermoon for acts against us.

Same person then began to spread rumours about me to my raid guild when they were also part of it and I had no idea who they were. That was like 4 years after the events happened.

I don’t know what it is with some people, but they really hold a grudge over nothing.

FYI: Amerane’s blood is cold and tasteless, just like her heart.

Thats interesting, I had an almost identical experience on ESO a few months back, accused of poaching members simply because I provided an alternative guild within the same kinda “theme” and everyone jumped ship due to major issues in the other guild which of course was the reason I myself and several others left to begin with, thats a huge issue in rp communities is this competitive “war” like vybe people have OOCly and how personally invested people get in the OOC drama’s and yeah your probably right, if no one will work anything out it is what it is, its a shame rp communities get like this it really is seing as its meant to be a hobby not some hate fuelled competition.

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I wouldn’t be surprised, there’s an awful lot of them… (but truthfully I don’t recall the exact names/faces/characters anymore, must’ve been over a year ago and I’ve moved on from the game around a year ago now)

Ultimately I just think the weird thing of outright ignoring others because they’re in [guild] is weird and ultimately damaging to everyone’s RP. Avoiding people you don’t like is fine, but trying to get them barred from access to an entire game’s scene? boo


Viva Partido Communista del Uruguay!


There are alot of people on ESO with a poor opinion of the PCU aye, I’ve heard many cases of it since being on ESO cant lie.
Myself and my friends have been compared to them by people we dont get on with recently.

It just goes to show how crazy those people are, when they take their rage and “rivalry” to other games even


There’s a lot of toxicity in there tbh, as small as it is

ESO? tbh I dont think its quite as toxic as what WoW was atleast in my experience from back in the day, reason being is on ESO its sooooooo much more bubbled I think than WoW could ever possibly be, there isnt really any open world hubs so to speak, 90% of ESO rp is housing based so ppl just bubble up the second theres a disagreement
edit: so the potential for continuous drama isnt as strong, if you dont like people in ESO you wont encounter them more than likely…as theres basically next to no unorganised open world rp encounters and you can literally blacklist people from your player housing.

I agree, its pretty extreme, abit too personally invested, you’d think going to an entirely different franchise would ease whatever issues they have lol…shrug
edit: but then again I think we can all agree you get some strange people in the rp community, some very intense people who get incredibly invested over tiny issues alot of the time, simply disagreeing with someone on a topic about lore can wind up making you a target for OOC abuse, it can get ridiculous at times.

We should just all be friends my dudes and dudettes.
I rp with most I meet ingame, and do not really care for this Anti-PCU V. PCU conflict.
Hostility does not help any communities.


Ah, the yearly pcu drama-fest.

The answer is easy, ignore the people you don’t like, mute the threads that you’re not keen on seeing, never speak to anyone OOC, rock up to rp-pvp events and bend as many rules as you can get away with (curse of tongues on anyone /yelling too much was a personal favourite) while rping all you wish, then bow out when you’re bored.

See you all next in the next thread in 2022 some time.

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Dangerously based

Oh yeah, the Khajiit Rp scene is mental on ESO. - I remember one of them trying to offer to buy me a player house if I RP’ed a Khajiit and devoted only / purely to his guild and Khajiit group. Felt real creepy.

you should have said yes, rp that you walk off a cliff, state that you are dead IC, change race and keep the house.


That’s actually sad, having examples of this nonsense spreading to other games.

just wait until you hear about the khajiit wife swap tavern

Lol, its why I looked abit more into it myself recently, curious as to who this person/people are that myself and my friends keep getting compared to whenever theres an arguement in the many ESO discords haha, theres always 2-3 sides to something.

The ESO community is -really- tightly knit. And I was already warned said person had a poor / similiar rep to a certain Uldum goer, and was compared to him. I didn’t want to even risk being close to it all, didn’t wanna risk damaging my rep or getting a terrifying group associated with me.

And Adelais, I’d not be suprised if this is the same people tbh. Given I’ve not played for a year or two, I heard they have a tavern now.


Read exclusive, stuffy and stuck up.

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And probably filled with secret ERP dens.

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