PCU-anti-PCU conflict and why it kills normal RP on Argent Dawn

This is basically the insanity that plagues this server, bringing up a forum ban from a year ago lmao

I don’t have to live on benefits


I never understood why Hearthstones are rare. If any noob mage can make a portal or teleport why is it so rare to imbue a stone with the same ability?

Can’t remember which inn it is, maybe one in Legion Dalaran? Anyway there’s a crate of hearthstones just sat behind the counter. They can’t be that rare.

Unless I’m mistaken, portals are actually kinda complex and you can mess it up bigstyle.

Just let it go.


There will be lashings.

Do you not see that you are quite literally part of the problem?!

It was years ago, as is most of the hate and vitriol thrown at the PCU.

EDIT: “oh they did X years ago”

okay… but are the people who did X still part of the guild? Did you report them?

No? Then that’s on you.


When told it ‘never happened’ or it was ‘nothing’ where my IRL circumstances were mocked and splayed on here? Maybe I will one day. Just not yet.

Just what I said above.

Anyway. I’m gonna go have a good night. I don’t particularly hate anybody, just got distaste for those few people who think it fine to do such in this forum. We’re all human and nobody should be mocked for mental health and circumstances around it.


Okay maybe in another decade then fingers crossed


I know I take the anti-PCU talk with a massive grain of salt but dayumm.


If you can’t move on yet, at least don’t bring it up at every opportunity.


Vaxir is peak concern trolling

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Which is very true, Vaxir, no one really deserves their personal life dragged over coals on a forum.

Though this has never really been a one way dialogue like you’re implying, you have also linked a blog which exudes toxicity* as a “gotcha” moment historically too - if we’re thinking of the same spat. Not that this excuses what I said above, you have a habit of making snipes yourself and then acting shocked when a community pushes back against you. Because this blog has attempted to smear a lot of people (myself included).

Just don’t throw hands.

*I’m putting this very lightly.


let him who is without sin cast the first stone

except when youre Vaxir, then you can bring up year-old incidents to prove this thread right

Imagine having such an easy life that your biggest concerns are words from a stranger years ago.

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Folks, I only briefly have a OOC talk with @ [Morsteth] ones (on another char) but I can honestly say, that he really try to sort out the conflict between the PCU and not-PCU, if people speak in words through their mouths.

It seems to me that it is precisely the accusations of cheating and the god-emoting is the most frequent case when people start playing emote combat without knowing each other and not knowing the chars or misunderstanding something (because of haste or not very good language skills or interpretation of lore), and this is not a “special” PCU-antiPCU feature, this is a problem of all guilds on AD.


I think a part of this comes from a really weird place where people will flip their business if you don’t use the word ‘would’ specifically.

I have at multiple instances been accused of god-emoting someone’s character, leading me to reinspect the supposedly problematic emote and find that… it’s full of conditionals. But these conditionals were just not good enough for the slighted party and should have included their own favourite conditionals??? idk man people are weird


This grammatical abomination needs to be eradicated at one point.


Quite that. The only difference (and I speak as a person who can see that from the outside) is that PCU officers, with enough proof of either (god emoting or flat out toxicity) will act on it, giving the boot in most cases, whereas in majority of other guilds’ cases will not only be encouraged to “fight off the invader(?)”, but also fraternised within the guild directly or indirectly responsible for such attitude.

I think I can without a doubt say where hierarchy is rather respected, rather than shrugged off with pleasant friendly talk.


Alright Jordan Peterson, back in the wage cage

Heavy disagree here.

I’m going to say my own experience has been the exact opposite. With PCU officers in RP-PvP campaigns removing the rules they had made themselves so that they could gain the upper hand, to Morsteth spreading false informations about me because I did denounce the fact that their attitude towards player was (and as you can read around the forums, still is) toxic.

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