People are becoming verbally abusive over store mounts/transmog

Is this something we can report for?

Ever since i started wearing sprite darter outfit i got free because i already had a 6 month sub while riding the Vulpine Familiar ( One of my favorite mounts that just so happens to be in the store ) I’ve been getting abusive whispers, /spit emotes thrown at me and more.

Is this something we can report for or are these incidents too minor to have action taken on them?

Depends on the kind of abuse it is.
Tl;dr If it’s offensive language, the “ignore” function is the right one for you. You can also turn off mature language filter in the interface section.
For emotes, if they abuse it to spam you to a point you can’t even read chat, then report for spamming is on point.
If there are visible real life threats (even if the person has no chance of knowing you), then you should use the ingame report.
Long answer:
If you take a lookt at the like and dislike ratio by the announcement video, people would obviously prefer that such unique set should be obtainable via ingame means and prefer not to have it on a store, when already paying a box price and subscription on top of that. Many people do pay monthly subcription with a token, and lose right to earn it, even when they are on a 6 months of continuous gametime. These people then feel robbed and obviously react in a way they do. These incidents are minor and should be used other other ingame options to filter out people acting this way. I get sometimes spit on for riding on a rare mount, but that is definitely not something that person should be report for. However, as long as there is a personal threat, repoting is definitely a right thing to do.

Just report them

Offensive language is reportable. So Is harrasment.


Too many toxic people actually started to /spit on people after a famous streamer told his stream to spit on people who bought mounts/items from the store. It is sad behaviour people actually do this. If you disagree with a person who spent HIS/HER own money in the game for a mount or whatever you can slap your forehead and be quiet. No one cares if you disagree or not.

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You can’t report spitting but I suggest you need to report any whisper you don’t like.