People being banned for using the XP potion bug

One can not make anyone understand ones point of view when the subject is blinded with what they think is “right”. But I will try!
I do not play other games hence I only care about the one I pay cash to play on, they made a mess, they need to fix it, we do not have to, nor owe them anything, we are the customer, we are always right.
I accept bans when they are damaging to the game, when they give an advantage like killing mythic bosses, tell me how does my levelling an alt from 20 to 40 , heck from 1 to 120 affected your day? Or tell us, are you hurting because you found out about this a moment to late. Do not take my word out of context just to win an argument. I used time to get those potions, I used time to stand and kill other players and gain honour, how does this affect you, besides the fact that you found out late and missed the opportunity? Please be a fanboy all you want, I am one too, but do not be blind to what they are doing.
2 people steal candy, both are caught on camera, one gets their hands chopped the other one a slap on the wrists. How do you find it fair?
With so many bugs in game, is it safe to play at all without blizzard calling you a cheater? I mean people who stacked the potion twice, I repeat TWICE got a 3 day ban or “suspension”.

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Actually quite many of the people writing here (including me) spent quite a lot of time on this very forum warning people not to use this exploit on the day it came out for common knowledge.

You might be surpriced but there is lot of people who do not steal just because there is opportunity to do so, who do not break other rules and laws “just because no one is looking” and who are not in general always lurking around trying to find how to gain benefit for themselves from the error someone else made.


I have NOT been banned for anything, I didn’t do it as I know Blizzard’s history with this.

But I think the response to this with the ban length is is FAR too draconian. Some guys in my guild were doing it and I said “don’t do that, you’ll get a 72 hour ban”. But they’ve been banned for a whole month. I mean what about the DHs taking flags outside of BGs? Way too harsh.

Please reconsider the duration of these bans, the absolute worst should be a week IMO.

They also put in theit ToS that the abuse of an exploit is a bannable offense. You can clearly tell you’ve never worked in retail before, since you’ve used the stupid comment of “customer’s are always right”. No, they are not.

It affects the whole aspect of leveling up. Why should 1 player be able to use an exploit to speed level, thereby passing another player who didn’t cheat? Where is that fair?

No, because I was in call with friends who were doing it. I had 3+ hours to be able to take advantage of this exploit. But, I didn’t, because I’m not a moron. I KNEW I would be suspended for it if I had done it, and so I just carried on my Coarse Leather farming that I was doing instead. You’re the one who seems to be hurting, so have you been suspended for doing it?

Again, I didn’t miss the opportunity. I’m just not as stupid as you to think that I would get away with using an exploit in a game, when it clearly states in the ToS that the use of ANY exploit within the game is a bannable offense.

It affects the CORE of the game. You used a CHEAT in an online game to “get ahead” of others. You cheated in an online game, and now you’re being punished for doing so. Suck it up buttercup.

I’m not a fanboy, I’m someone with my own opinions. I’m also not an idiot. But you, you seem to be an idiot. You think that you’re in the RIGHT for abusing an exploit? Why? Because you “Farmed the medals”? It was clearly an exploit, anyone with half a brain cell would have worked out easily it was an exploit, and anyone with any common decency with how a game plays would have thought “I shouldn’t be doing this. It’s an exploit, so abusing it will get me in to trouble”.

2 people steal candy, both get caught on camera. 1 steals 2 bars and get’s banned from the shop for a week. The other steals 10 bars and get’s banned for a month. That’s fair.

Well, since I’ve never once been suspended from the game, I can honestly say that yes, it is safe. Just cause you’re not smart enough to understand when something is an exploit, doesn’t mean that you should get away with it. “Sorry officer, I thought that because that candy bar was on the counter rather than the shelf, I thought I could just take it”. <— That’s what you sound like.

Some did, but most didn’t. I have friends who only stacked it a few times (mostly by accident) and they haven’t been suspended.

I see what you’re problem is. You’re hurt that you got caught cheating, and now you’re trying to blame it on the developer of the game, rather than realize it was YOU who made the mistake. If you’re going to cheat in a game, you shouldn’t even be allowed back to be honest. Dishonest players like you should just be out-right banned, rather than given a chance to come back.

I am hurting, because I can not use the account I already pay for with my money.
I am hurting because of idiot players like you giving a multi million company a leeway as if they were the poor, indie, understaffed, victim company with no time or personnel to produce a finished, polished product.
But again what are you going to do right? I have learnt not to argue with stupid so I am out.

It couldn’t be stacked “by accident” the stack had to be spilt into single pots.

Fixed it mate


Oh no! Maybe they should’ve thought about how they’re gonna screw their guild over before they exploited (if you raid and need them or whatever). I have 0 empathy for them, heck I’ll even laugh at them

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And how is that an exploit with every item in the game working completely different, and people are just giving you the tip this can be done too?
Like you can use 1 after each other (when one run out of time) or just all at the same time for 1 big xp boost instead of a long one?

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Every game has bugs no matter how big the studio is, doesn’t mean you should exploit them.

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Oh nice, thanks! Maybe you can try the same to fix WoW before being released to the public? Dey poor little thing, dey seem to be needin’ some help. How about, uh… ZOMBIE! (laughs)

You exploited and you got punished, then blame blizzard? You’re actually making my day with how you’re trying to justify it. Do you even know how coding works? Fix one problem, patch it and woops guess there’s another 20 bugs now. It’s on YOU to realise that if you have to split pots up in order to stack them, it’s most likely a bug cause guess what. Otherwise you could have done it WITHOUT SPLITTING THE STACK UP


So, the problem is this simple:

  1. Split the potion stack
  2. Click on potions and see if they stack
  3. They did not?
  4. QA approved
  5. They did?
  6. Fix!
  7. Release

It is that simple, how-come a multi-million company was unable to fix it before releasing it to the general public? If they can not code this simple stuff they should not be working here.
Stop making excuses for mediocrity.

Hey… i am no way going to rub this thing on your face or be happy you got your punishment, i know it sucks and i can emphatize with that. But if you keep arguing with people who try to explain why you got punished now or try to explain to you how you know when something is very likely an exploit you will also end up being banned next time there is some bug that can be exploited.

So even it does suck and it is never nice feeling when screwing something up and getting consequences (and trust me we have all been in there in life some point), if you now listen what people say you can avoid it in future. In life scale this was small error to do and small punihsment to suffer so i would suggest you learn from this and continue as little bit wiser one. It is not the end of the world!:smiley:

It is mediocre. Regardless, exploiting it was also wrong.

Your line of reasoning is as puerile as “why arrest me theres more serious crimes being commited”.

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wont lie glad blizzard went full force with banning. especially that that pulled strong banhammer on streamers . finally they are not treated specially.

dont exploit next time

Or in your case.

  1. Split the potion stack
  2. Click on potions and see if they stack
  3. They did?
  4. Gonna exploit, don’t ban me cause some code bugged (like code always do)
  5. I got suspended? F*ck Blizz

Justify it all you like, people did it and got punished.

Because you used a cheat in an online game. YOUR fault, deal with it. If you didn’t cheat, then you wouldn’t have been suspended! I can still go and play WoW, because I didn’t cheat.

You’re seriously calling me the idiot? I’m not the one who cheated on a game, then blamed the game for the reason that you did it! Do you realize how dumb and pathetic that is? You are the one who controls your actions. You are the one that decides what YOU do, not the game. If YOU use a cheat, abuse a bug in the game, then it’s on YOU if you get banned. Stop doing the “woe is me” bull-roar and deal with the consequences of cheating in an online multiplayer game. You deserve it.

The only stupid person here is you. You cheat in a game, then blame the game. This is you. “I’m sorry officer, I did shoot those people. But, it wasn’t my fault! You see, someone sold me that gun! If they didn’t sell me the gun, I wouldn’t have done it! Blame them, not me!”.


I used the potions but did not try stacking the buff from them but if thats how simple it was it does make me wonder what happens in the “testing” of Blizzard and how such a simple bug got past QA Testing… Surely “Oh can we split them and re-apply the buff over and over” should have been one of the first thigns to try lol