Pet battle: EXP reward; So low its hardly notiable

So I just tried to do a “peacecraft” character again, where I do not kill things.
I level through pet battles & mining/flowers.

I just now realised; 1 - I need lvl 5 to get mining/herbalism, 2 - Pet battles give close to no exp at all, even with rested bonus.

So, why did they nerf it this much?..

Compare XP, just tested today on two alts:

Level 56

XP per level: 291495
Wild Pet Battle vs Level 25s: 4400
Tamer Battle: 4400
Standard Mob: 1170 XP (+565 Rested)
Standard Quest: 8500

Level 11

XP per level: 9365
Wild Pet Battle using level 2 vs single Level 2: 68
Tamer Battle Julia 2 level 2s: 68
Standard Mob: 116 (+58 rested)
Standard Quest: 1550

At low level, you are not in a good place for character XP earned by pet battles. Either you are using high level pets against the low level pets in the zone, in which case you get no XP, or you are using same-level pets, and until the pet levels appeoach 25, and CERTAINLY until your opponent is using all three slots, you get little.

They did nerf pet XP a lot coming into Shadowlands. No argument there. Too much, in my opinion. But it is still nearly competitive with questing XP, if you are efficient in your battles.

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I am using same level or even lower lvl pets in battles, I get like 30 exp at lvl 3-5 (character lvl) in elwynn forest.
I’m efficient as I use rematch, too, so idk what is up.
I also have rested bonus. :frowning:

There was always very low XP for low-level battles, especially when the opposition isn’t even using all three pets.

As my numbers show, it does pick up a lot to respectable levels once you are battling level 25s.

P.S. Rested bonus does not and never did apply to pet battles.

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