Pet Battle Tournament - March 27

Okay folks!
We have another PVP Pet Battle tournament planned for Saturday, March 27th!
We are hosting it on the PTR this time, so both NA and EU players can participate!
Note: new rule set exclude pets with weather effects abilities
Sign ups:

Should be a fun tournament!

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Can’t wait to see what teams players bring! :slight_smile:

Why no weather effects pets?

Many of the weather’s were buffed around 50% at the start of Shadowlands. Their damage levels are simply too high now for a limited game tournament where it’s best of 3.

Think of it this way if say call darkness crits against you each game you play realistically you won’t be able to come back from that.

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Then I would say to remove pet stuns or heals too. See what I did here?

You think stuns and heals are as strong as the weather’s? Unusual take.

Stuns and heals are stronger. I’m not even speaking about the speed of pets. Let’s exclude all pets that don’t have equal speed! Still didn’t see what I did here?
The game is retarded as it is, not only weather effects are a joke. Take it or leave it, simple as that!

You can use heals and stuns in the tournament.

Hopefully you’re up to the challenge of putting a team together and entering?

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