Pet Delights, positivity thread #2

Today, I played some fire mage+subtlety rogue 2vs2 arena games at 1750-ish rating. Admittedly, this was the most fun I had with PvPing in a while. The games were quick, a lot was happening for the entire matches, and the CC chains felt so satisfying to pull off. Finally got my 1750 achievement in 2v2!

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When I played LOL I was jungle first, but I decided to learn supp because jungle is picked a lot. I also “can” top and bot lane, but my picks are few (Gnar and Jhin basically).

But support Tahm Kench is my boy. I used to play him jungle as well when his spot was overpowered for clears. Unsure if that’s the case now. His ganks were the stuff of legends thanks to the slow and stun and then there’s always eating them to stall for teammates to wake up.

I used to play a somewhat mean Thresh as well. To this day he’s still my favourite game voice acting. His voice is what n’zoth should have been.

Rogues are soooo disgusting in PvP atm, especially coupled with mages. I tried to do arenas on my rshaman earlier but there’s just no way to deal with all their everything.

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The fact you don’t play Pyke amazes me.

I have him, he’s really fun to play.

Thresh is who I’d pick to voice my undead warlock.

Today I slept well and didn’t get a single peep of my anxiety to the point were I actually felt bored for a bit. I also managed to clean out some things that were just sitting around. (Less clutter = better mental health)


That lightning in BfA zones actually lights up the scenery. I like attention to detail in games.

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I’m proud of you.

One day, I’ll return and become be a pro and we’ll do some 2s together as well…

Ah, a man of culture then.

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Here I am, installing Spiral knights again. God why can’t this game be big again?

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Oh myyyy that brings back memories.

I used to play that game a ton! But when I got the full Snarbolax set, shield and rapier, I felt like I was ‘done’ so to speak.

It died too soon.

Meanwhile I’ve been hitting a sort of… lull lately? Not depression or anything but I’ve started feeling kinda down and maybe a bit lonely.

Then I re-installed Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I know it’s cheesy and buggy and awkward but it’s practically home to me without much modding required. I have most of the quests memorised yet every time I play I still somehow find a new side quest I missed.

I still maintain it’s the best ‘Modern’ Elder Scrolls game, with far better quests, significantly less hand holding and more depth than Skyrim without the extreme jank, butt ugly characters (Comparatively) or game breaking exploits of Morrowind. This is a hill I will die on.


Finally got my BfA wings. Happy days.

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When you have a few commissions in the works and the artists start sending you WIPs rapid fire at the same time :weary:


My commission is coming up next week and I’m super pumped.


When your friend comes online from being inactive a year long and you start talking and making plans again.

It does happen :cry:


Why? Why would I play Pyke? I’m vicious and mean. But not THAT much. It is far funnier to run toward an ADC and see them sh*t in their pants.

“Me, mad? Haha… quite likely.”

I am, its why I like him.

Well. Pet delight, speaking of deviousness.
Bought 10 orbs today.
Ezreal Pulsefire. Officer Vi. Dark Cosmic Jhin.
Pretty happy, ngl.
And the Fiora’s chroma.

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Because you take your cut